Bitcoins, solution for huge problem?

This post will be short, because this time I would like to make here some conversation with all of you.

I've heard many many times about people who've lost bitcoins because of hardware issue, software issue and losing private keys.
It's very old problem and until now probably a lot of people lost huge amounts of money (of current bitcoin price). Maybe some of you had same problem in past.

I have very good friend who've lost 4500 bitcoins, because of software issue. It was already year ago, but as you can imagine as soon as price increase, pain is getting worse.. We've made really everything what could be done but money are locked and you can lick sweets through the glass. It could sound like epic, huge thing which is not happening right now. Maybe it could happen couple years ago, but now? The problem is still here and we are thinking it's good time to solve it, especially now if updates like BIP148 are coming soon live. It could be good for all of us.

Idea is as follow:

  1. Creating update to bitcoin network, which could let everyone recover coins.
  2. Explain people how it's going to work, get used all of us.
  3. Execute it.

And what update would it be?
a) If you lost your coins, you can ask for chargeback of your money.
b) Then system automatically send daily request to previous address, which had money before. It would be kind of notification, that someone wants chargeback. If you don't want it, just cancel and report if it's fraud.
c) If you don't do any action through period e.g. half year or year, blockchain automatically execute money recover process to previous address.

To be save about any chargeback from your customers (if u don't want to take care about canceling & reporting frauds) you could simply have two wallets. First, receiver and second target wallet. First one could be also backup in case if you lose private keys to second one. So let me know what do you think and maybe we should implement this solution now?

Let's make hot topic here, because it's very important one. If we solve this issue, bitcoin become much stronger and many of bitcoiners will be happier. If we have some good conclusions, we are going to write to Coindesk and push it forward.

We have to remember that we are all owners of those cryptocurrencies. If not we, they wouldn't exist, so we can change, build and do whatever we want - we just need enough together power.

PS Just some thoughts.. Maybe some money from MtGox could be recovered too, if you have still access to wallet used to fund this exchange? :)


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