I’m back and the prices go up

I first discovered Bitcoin in June of 2017 and fell in love instantly. That was just barely when the Bull market was starting. I made some good gains but also got scammed a bit, particularly by cloud mining services. I lost interest due to how difficult it is to keep up with the cryptocurrency “space” as well as regular life. Basically I chose to spend my time on my family and my job instead. I made the right choice. I hodled whatever was left over and just waited.

Fast forward to a month ago, I buy a top of the line GPU desktop so that my sons can play video games. The back of my brain says to me “you know... now you can mine cryptocurrency”. So I look into it and I’m hooked again. This time around I’m way more cautious about what I get into. I’m even skeptical of Coinbase this time around. I say to myself “ok, I’ve got x amount of btc and a few others, but what good does it do me if I can’t turn it into dollars?”. If the answer isn’t “none”, then frankly I’m too deep into this and I’m no different from the old “Marks” that used to keep carnival operators rich back in the day.

So I decide to cash out my bitcoin, just to make sure it’s possible. I’m so burned by the scams I fell for that I don’t trust anything at this point.

Then the price goes up, so high again that common everyday people are talking about Bitcoin again.

So I come to the conclusion that for some reason, and I have no idea why, my brain is connected to the “Meta” in some way. Twice now my brain has fallen for the same thing that the masses are falling for. But I’m not the only one, obviously, that’s why it’s the masses. Why does this happen? Why do our brains link like this? I can say that both times (for me) it literally had nothing to do with any outside influence whatsoever. Or did it? Last time I just randomly looked up Bitcoin because I recognized that it was a word I had heard but didn’t know what it was. This time I just happened to buy a GPU for my sons. But both times I end up down the rabbit hole with millions of other people.

What is going on here?

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