Bitcoin-Related Job Postings Have Spiked on Linkedin and Upwork

The number of jobs relating to bitcoin and cryptocurrency on Linkedin and Upwork has grown significantly in recent years. Both platforms report an increase in the listing of skills relating to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology by several hundred percent.

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Linkedin Reports a More Than 500% Increase in the Listing of Skills Pertinent to Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin-Related Job Postings Have Spiked on LinkedIn and UpworkThe majority of the job listings pertaining to the cryptocurrency industry on Linkedin are for the software industry – with Bloomberg reporting that such comprises approximately 70% of all crypto-related listings. Crypto-based positions in the software industry are continuing to proliferate, with the number of such listings in the software industry comprising a 460% larger share of total listings in the sector than three years ago.

The industry with the largest growth in crypto-related job listings in the financial services industry – with the share of total listings on LinkedIn pertaining to cryptocurrency in the financial services industry having grown by roughly 900% during the last three years.

In recent years, bitcoin has emerged from the throes of niche status to attaining increasing mainstream adoption. LinkedIn reflects this trend, with the social media network noting that there are 28 times the number profiles that cite skills pertaining to cryptocurrency than four years ago, with 550% more people boasting specifically bitcoin-related abilities.

Upwork Has Reported a More Than 2500% Increase in Billings Relating to the Blockchain Industry
Bitcoin-Related Job Postings Have Spiked on LinkedIn and UpworkCNBC recently reported on the increasing trend of students from elite business school transition towards exploring career opportunity in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. The article states that popular freelancing platform Upwork witnessed blockchain-related skills become the second most rapidly growing sector on the website during the third quarter of 2017. Upwork is also reported to have seen a 2,625% increase in the number of freelancer billings for work relating to the blockchain industry when compared with 2016. The article also states that Stanford University plans to launch a detailed course covering cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

The data from LinkedIn and Upwork adds to a growing body of data evidencing bitcoin’s move towards the early majority stage of adoption. Forbes recently published an article title “It’s 1994 in Cryptocurrency” – a reference to analogous characteristics shared by the present cryptocurrency industry and the early stages of the internet boom of the 1990’s. Forbes’ article asserts that global adoption of cryptocurrency is currently estimated at 0.5% of the total population – double the 0.25% of consumers that had an internet connection in 1994.

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