Sex Cults and Bitcoin


Imagine, if you will - joining a sex cult.

Now before I go any further, let me give you the rules on which this cult of yours is based. I'll go slowly and talk you through it and see at which point you decide that this cult is just what you need to bring adventure back into your humdrum life.

1/. There is ONE Authority in this Cult - and this person is NEVER WRONG.

All logical systems start with axioms - rules that are never questioned. Here in place of that, you have a living human being whose proclamations can never be called into question. Authority is entirely CENTRALIZED.

Bare in mind that centralization does not imply CONSISTENCY or, COHERENCE. Each proclamation MAY CONTRADICT a former or, a latter proclamation. There is no way of holding that authority accountable for disfunctional logical systems.

2/. There is written literature to which this authority refers to. However, this authority has no obligation to restrict actions or, proclamations to that literature.

Basically, you can take his/her word for it.

3/. Based on this literature - and on the authority of this individual - you are FORBIDDEN from taking part in the process of PROCREATION until you are SANCTIONED by said - Authority.

Violating this rule brings anything from social ostracism to stoning, depending on your geographic location.

4/. All people NOT within your Social Order are Scum and they deserve nothing but constant misery and torture. Sometimes even death. And you are free to subject them to any fate the Central Authority sanctions for them.

Well, if your authority comes from above - it means you are not really the one doing the torture/murder are you?

And now for the best part.

5/. You give about a tenth or, more of your earnings to keep this cult running. You are encouraged to give EVERYTHING if you really want to score with that Central Authority.

6/. In exchange for all this loyalty - you will receive ORDER in your Life. And by that, it means your Life will fall into a certain STRUCTURED PATTERN within which you will feel SAFE to the End of your Natural Life - and even beyond.

You basically, don't have to do much to deserve this.

7/. You have to ensure YOUR CHILDREN follow you into this Order. They must be instructed from childhood into adulthood to OBEY this Central Authority (not you).

I'm going to stop here - since this odious set of rules is what nearly every CULT follows because it is the BASIC BLUEPRINT of Most Organized Religions.

Sex Cults and Religions differ only on Scale. Both practice SEXUAL RESTRICTION - not the lack thereof.

Agricultural Societies discovered that in times of plenty, there was always a danger of overproducing children. And when the lean years came - problems arose in providing for this bloated populace. Malthusian overpopulation led initially to infanticide (still practiced in certain villages in India) and then later - to restrictions to intercourse itself.

Of course, with the advent of the City State - other means of population control were developed (War) which then religated religion to a backseat. Kings needed Cannon Fodder. The greater the army, the greater the chances of success.

Nowadays the Central Authority uses a far more subtle method of population control. They have the Federal Reserve.

Control of the Money Supply is pretty much all you need to reduce a population's rate of growth. Not just that, you may if you wish - SELECTIVELY BREED some sections of the population while reducing other sections.

Of couse, in practice - all these methods are in play simultaneously. And in addition to that we have various others - GMO foods, vaccins, etc.

Now lets pull back and look at our sex cult again. At its core, it is just another contraceptive. However, it disrupts the ORDER put forth by one Authority - by creating another.

Cults are just - Alt Coins.

Bitcoins on the otherhand is NOT CENTRALIZED. It is a throwback to the Hunter-Gatherer days when there was NO CENTRAL AUTHORITY governing the way you chose to live your life.
And THAT is why EVERY Government will try to negate its effects on their flock.


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