The Meteoric Rise of Cryptocurrency. By Gregory Mannarino

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What is the meteoric rise of cryptocurrency telling us?
Well I'd like to put my two cents in here.

If you know my work, I have been saying for years that the people need to "become their own central bank" and "bet against the debt," and why is that? Well, what do the central banks produce? They produce two things, debt and debtors. World central banks in collusion with their respective governments, or should I say governments with their ruling central banks, have managed to create a modern global civilization of debt slaves. The creation of the enslaved by central banks has manifested the biggest, and potentially most dangerous, debt bubble the world has ever seen.

Let me ask you, why do you believe that the United States of America is now the largest debtor nation in the world? Moreover, why is it that US citizens are also the most indebted of any modern economy? Today more than any other time in history being outside of the centralized banking system is absolutely essential, henceforth cryptocurrency, (and why people must also hold physical gold and silver as a long term investment).

World central banks need to keep as many people as they can in a zombie like state, dumbed down, and unable to think outside the box. It is clearly no secret that world central banks colluding with the Wall Street banks go to great lengths to keep the price of a physical gold and physical silver massively suppressed, and in no way are the current prices of physical gold and silver reflective of their actual value based in US dollars. In fact the very existence of gold and silver derivatives is to keep the prices of these assets suppressed.
The Federal Reserve has had to use "extraordinary monetary policy," their words not mine, to keep the current debt bubble from bursting, but this gargantuan bubble will burst at one point in time.

Being that the US dollar or any other Fiat currency for that matter are nothing more than units of debt, when the bubble bursts the value of these Fiat currency's could potential hit zero. I believe the rise of cryptocurrency is reflective of a general population that is finally understanding that the fundamental factors which exist behind the current debt based monetary system, cannot be sustained. Therefore, we can expect the meteoric rise of the cryptocurrency to continue for the foreseeable future.

Gregory Mannarino
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