Is The Rise of Cryptocurrency Foretelling of An Upcoming Global Financial Meltdown? By Gregory Mannarino

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Is the rise of cryptocurrency foretelling of an upcoming global financial meltdown?

In a recent article, I had discussed the fact that I believe people are not as stupid as world central banks believe they are. World central banks are stuck in a very bad spot, because they have no alternative but to continue to inflate the already gargantuan debt bubble.
In truth, the world central bank issued credit card is maxed out, Yet world central banks continue to flood the world with more debt, why? Because they have no alternative, it is the nature of the beast.
By and large the general population does not even understand the basic nature of the debt based economic model.
All of the worlds modern economies, under the control of their respective central bank, has a debt based economic model.
A debt based economic model demands that cash be stolen from the future or "borrowed into existence" in greater and greater amounts just to support where we are at the present time. At the moment we cannot borrow anymore, a "debt crisis" ensues, then we face the possibility of a complete meltdown of the current debt based model.
It is quite possible that the rise of cryptocurrency is foretelling of this event, A critical failure of the debt-based model.

It is already very clear that world central banks colluding with the Wall Street banks will not allow a real market with regard to the price action of physical gold and silver. These institutions have been using and manipulating derivatives to keep the price action of the physical precious metals suppressed. Understand, there is no real market, no actual price discovery mechanism whatsoever behind the price action of physical gold and physical silver at this time because of manipulation going on in the derivative markets.

Hence again, the move toward an asset which cannot be manipulated by world central banks or Wall Street banks-cryptocurrency.

The decentralized nature cryptocurrency makes it nearly impossible for any one entity to manipulate the price action of these assets. While it is true that some thinly traded cryptocurrencies can experience large and sudden swings in its price action, this is more likely due to a large buyer or seller of the asset, and not any explicit manipulation.

In my opinion the rise of cryptocurrency is in fact flashing a warning sign, loud and clear, that the current debt based economic model may be about to melt-down...

Gregory Mannarino
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