Don't Just Ignore The Anti-Cryptocurrency Talk, Capitalize On It! By Gregory Mannarino

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Over the past several weeks it seems that the anti-cryptocurrency rhetoric being unleashed on the uninformed has hit a fever pitch.

When Bitcoin broke $2700 and then pulled back around $300, there was talk all over the place about how the Bitcoin bubble had burst, what total nonsense. In fact I said publicly that any pullback in Bitcoin should be used as a buying opportunity.

At the time I am writing this article, Bitcoin is now nearing $2600 again, and I have no doubt whatsoever that it is going much much higher, (along with many other cryptocurrencies including Steem)

What we have seen, and a trend that will remain in my opinion, is a loss in the value and thus purchasing power of the US dollar, but the anti-cryptocurrency crowd seems to be oblivious to this.

Another way to look at the anti-cryptocurrency crowd is this: there always has to be two sides of a trade, one will lose and one will win. I have no doubt whatsoever that those of us who recognize what I feel is unprecedented opportunity with regard to holding and owning cryptocurrency will not only win, but will win big time.

Gregory Mannarino
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