Bitcoin & Ethereum Factors To Watch - Oct 31st Cryptocurrency News

Hi everyone and welcome back. The total cryptocurrency market cap remains just under $180 billion. Bitcoin remains over $6,100 today. It hit a record high on Sunday when we saw it surpass $6,300 on some exchanges. Investors are eager to find out if Bitcoin will enjoy the same result as it did after the August hard fork, which would likely mean another set of record highs in the coming weeks or will it crash like many had expected this summer. Bitcoin’s market cap remains over $101 billion. Bitcoin dominates the cryptocurrency market by 57%.
Let’s take a look at Ethereum, it looks like it is starting to gain some momentum again, but it still remains just over $300. According to it has never been able to break past $400. Ethereum’s market cap is currently over $29 billion. Investors will be keeping a close eye on the Casper update and some say it may come earlier than expected. Some believe that this update could actually take place as early as the next hard-fork, Constantinople instead of previous plans for it to come with Serenity, the last development phase, in 2018. The hard forks are underlying changes to protocol creating new rules to improve the system; they do not necessarily result in a split into two versions of the asset. The Ethereum Foundation’s annual developers conference is set to take place in Cancun from November 1st until 4th. The conference has been sold out since July 10th.

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