Hedge Fund Money Could Push BTC To $5000 - Max Keiser

Link to tweet

So I stumbled on Max Keisers twitter today and found an interesting tweet, among plenty of other interesting tweets. He definitely has more room to state his opinions on twitter rather than on his show.

Here we have Roy Sebag, the CEO and founder of GoldMoney Inc. , saying he heard a portfolio manager at a well known hedge fund, talking about investing in the crypto space and how it has paid off for them. Max thinks if one does it, they all will driving the price of BTC to $5000.

I think I have to agree. There is a lot of money floating around looking for any place to park that seems "safe" and pays out, as interest rates are at all time lows. As soon as one takes a big risk, the risk isn't so (seemingly) big for the next guy and so on. This also syncs up with tightening capital controls in China and around the world.

BTC an ETH have gone from unsafe to usable seemingly overnight, in the mainstream investors eyes.

The crypto space has seemily a lot of upward pressure with no real signs of slowing.

It is starting to look like $5000 BTC actually could be just around the corner, or is this more of that "russian fake news" I keep hearing about?

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