I deposited to my poloniex account before one month (27/5/2017) $2109.078 USDTs (tether) here is the link to the specific transaction http://omnichest.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=1CGQNvxM5MkAHtQqCYm23EkkdEveRehmfe
Until now no fund's are shown on my poloniex account! I have opened a support ticket 5 days after the specific transcation to poloniex (#183818) but they still don't bothered to give a single respond !!!
I replied to them several times without success. I can understand a delay of a week because of to much support requests but 1 Month? Really? Without a single respond ? That is to much and it raised RED FLAGs to me for POLONIEX current integrity.
Has anybody similar experience from poloniex lately? Please comment to push them for a solution via this post.