Crypto / bitcoin - Whats the deal???


Okay, here's the thing, I have known my husband for 10 years now and in those years we have been happily married for 2 and a half years. I say happily married until he has mentioned bitcoin and crypto currency. I mean what is the deal? What is the fascination with it all? I love to hear about alternative virtual currencies but like every day?

Common phrases I hear

Husband: Honey, guess what?

Wife replies: what?

Husband: There's these new crypto currencies called Monero, Ethereum, Bitcoincash.

Wife replies: What is important about them? It sounds like a headache to me.

Husband: let me explain it to you simply.

Wife replies: That is so intense, how on earth am I to understand anything you have just said/

Husband: Stop closing your eyes then!

I have heard that there are many times of Crypto currency including bitcoin and Monero. And that at some point bitcoin has now become this storage of value and the price of bitcoin had become astronomical. It dips and dives just like a roller coaster. I assume that's what people feel like when they invest in something and all of a sudden they go on a high but when it crashes they go on a very long low as if the world has ended. I can see why though especially if the net worth is in its millions and then all of a sudden it isn't. That's a travesty if you ask me.

The talk of this is incredible but I still don't understand what the fascination is. I mean why virtual currency. Are the banks that screwed up that this is the method we have resorted to?

My husband goes on and on about investing and buying . Do I want him to do it? That is a very good question. It's all jargon that hurts my brain to be honest. I always say that if this is what he wants to do then as along as we don't screw up our savings then why not? What are the risks? the excitement ? the fun in investing something which I have no clue about, yep, I'll just delve straight into that yep. I think invested correctly instead of it being a hub where arse holes think they can hack and then that gets on the news! Well it doesn't make me feel secure that my savings are protected.

I do find that sometimes, I read some articles in the news lately is always about Donald Trump, and fucking Theresa May and the Brexit saga need I say more. Yep Sorry for the momentary talk about politics . That is another rant for another day! So in a way it is nice to educate myself about finance news, still hurts my brain though. Politics hurts my brain also, I don't even know why I talk about it. I guess in every frustrating situation you can find the humor in everything.

The future is exciting!!!

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