HWYD 11-17-17

How Was Your Day?

I started a Crypto Business

I have been in Bitcoin and even accept it in my business since it was $272.00. Although not a real early starter, it seems as if I was with today's action.

I have also helped many people in many countries start their journey as well... which was even more satisfying as I get messages from Italy, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland and several others even from the US!

Anyway I thought I would give you an idea of how I am beginning...

First it is an educational, not financial advisory business, I thought I would start as everyone I have mentioned Bitcoin to around me did not know what it was... they had no clue. So I thought there was a need to educate more people on the Digital asset space but in a simplified and easy to understand way... I wish I found something like this when I first started.

I began by seeking a place to hold a brief 2 hour intro session, "Bitcoin, what is it and why do you need it". Now it is about more than bitcoin, but marketing dictates you promote it.

Anyway here is the progress and build out just today.

I have done many years of public speaking at seminars all over the world, one of the biggest issues is the cost of venues. So I began the search first to find one suitable for a smaller crowd (selling out gains huge advantage for ongoing courses as FOMO takes hold). I contacted hotels (which I was not keen to do as every Real Estate and Multi-Level Marketing Business Does) and that I have contracted before (for different venues) and the prices for just two hours were higher than necessary, especially for a startup. The key is to have a smaller venue that is filled to capacity, rather than a larger space that looks sparse.

So I then thought, go small and personal, and what would fit that criteria... and it hit me, a shared Work Space or Office. So being there is one in my town, I contacted them and got a 8 capacity conference room for $100. I do not need to bring anything except a laptop as the have the widescreen monitor you just plug into.

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Free wifi as well so hoping around to different sites to show market cap, news headlines, etc. will be a breeze.

Not only that but it has a more professional feel and even a kitchen area for free coffee, tea and snacks, FREE!

Now here is the best part (I think), people sharing the office will see the "Bitcoin" conference scheduled... so there is free awareness of it as well as possible curiosity. It is small, professional and buzzing with professional entrepreneurs... well what more could you ask for!

The course is all planned out (tweaks until the course actually starts are inevitable to keep up with the rapid news that hits us each hour).

They will be invited to the next course which will be a nuts and bolts.

Even the marketing started... so let's see what the interest is.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit:mashable

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