"The second life of old smartphones": Samsung specialists have assembled a farm for the extraction of crypto currency from 40 old Galaxy S5

"The second life of old smartphones": Samsung specialists have assembled a farm for the extraction of crypto currency from 40 old Galaxy S5

In the head of specialists created by Samsung Electronics in 2013 research unit Creativity Lab or C-Lab came the idea to create a kind of program for recycling smartphones. Instead of disassembling them into parts to extract valuable metals for later reuse, they propose creating farms based on smartphones for the production of crypto currency. As an example, they collected just such a farm of 40 old smartphones Samsung Galaxy S5. It is intended for the extraction of the Bitcoin crypto currency, the rate of which on October 20 for the first time exceeded $ 6000 and has since been maintained at this level. About the experiment tells Motherboard.

As part of the Galaxy Upcycling initiative, designed to give a second life to the old smartphones, the experts not only created a hardware platform, but also wrote software for it, optimized specifically for the production of crypto currency.

Answer the question of how effective this kind of farm can be, lets the image below.

It indicates that one of the Samsung Galaxy S5 can squeeze 2600 kH / s for the production of crypto currency. For comparison, a desktop PC based on the Intel i7-2600 CPU produces a performance of 20000 kH / s. At the same time, the Samsung Galaxy S5 consumes only 4 W, and the PC based on the Intel i7-2600 CPU is 95 W (probably only the CPU). Thus, a farm of eight smartphones Galaxy S5 will allow you to earn a crypto currency more efficiently than an average PC.

The authors of the project approached the experiment with particular enthusiasm. In addition to the farm, they created an unusual system for monitoring and care of the aquarium with fish on the basis of the Galaxy S3 smartphone, remade the old Galaxy tablet in a laptop based on Ubuntu and created a biometric authentication device based on face recognition technology from the old smartphone, made in the form of an owl.

Of course, in the light of the latest trends, it will be the creation of farms that most seem to be the most attractive way of using old smartphones. Especially considering that Samsung plans to lay out all the software used in the project, as well as related documentation to open access. In other words, Samsung itself will provide all the tools to unlock devices in order to replace the Android software with other software optimized for crypto currency mining. With great certainty it can be argued that after this price for the old Galaxy smartphones will definitely grow.

This initiative has its own github site https://galaxyupcycling.github.io/ . While there is only a small presentation video. When exactly the relevant developments on the project will be laid out in open access to Samsung do not speak, urging to monitor updates.

Source: Motherboard


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