Bitcoin could rise to $ 100,000

After its split the Bitcoin risen to an all-time high of more than 3,400 USD at the beginning of the week. Even if an unknown manipulator is just spreading horror: A value of $ 100,000 could soon be possible as an expert says.

Record high instead of downfall: In the previous week Bitcoin was split into a classic and a "Bitcoin Cash" variant. The background were different visions of Bitcoin owners and Miner how the protocol behind Bitcoin is to be further developed. The horror reports of one end of the digital currency did not meet - on the contrary.

Classic bitcoin climb daily new record values. After the currency at the beginning of the week had cracked the mark of 3,400 USD it noted on Tuesday still clearly over it and showed no weaknesses. The end of the direction of the market is obvious to the market. In addition many participants see new indications of an increase in value.

Friable law - the rule of thumb of digitization

Dennis Porto Bitcoin investor and Harvard scientist, said in an interview with the magazine "Business Insider" that the Bitcoin price could also reach a price threshold of $ 100,000 per unit if the development follows Friable law.

The law is one of the "golden rules" in the IT world and a fist form for rapid developments within the "Digital Revolution". The principle formulated by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965 shortens the fact that approximately every 18 to 24 months the performance of processors doubles.

Until now Bitcoin has overcrowded the law. Ever since the value has doubled every eight months according to Porto. Friable law refers to the number of transistors in a circuit but can be applied to any digital technology. The doubling trend could continue until Bitcoin reached the mass application. A value of $ 100,000 would be reached at least by February 2021.

New Falconer?

There is no guarantee for further exponential development. With the dangers and uncertainties owners of digital currencies have to deal constantly. At the moment an unknown manipulator spreads fear and fright in the community. The Crypto Exchange Bitfinex reported about a trader who manipulates the prices of Bitcoin and other cryptos.

The participant has extremely high dollar and bitcoin stocks. He shakes the markets through massive buying and selling orders which he clears before they are exerted. Participants using this technique are given the nickname "Spoofy". Spoofing is prohibited on conventional exchanges.

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