Twitter and Reddit Ban Dark Overlord 911 Posts - Now They May Be Moving to Steemit

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In an interesting addendum to a story I posted on Steemit earlier, not only has Twitter now banned The Dark Overlord's account, but so has Reddit. My story earlier explained the background — a hacker group that released Netflix episodes now claims to have 9/11 docs. People are donating to them via Bitcoin to get them to release more. So far they've released Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2.

[The photo above is a Reddit screenshot from one of the banned accounts.]

As you can see in my previous post about this, people aren't so sure about the authenticity of this hack or what to make of it, since so far it doesn't appear that anything earth-shattering has been shared and most of what was in it was already known. But not only has Twitter banned them but so has Reddit. Reddit also banned a submitter to the r/conspiracy subreddit who had posted a Google Drive link to one of the publicly shared hacks and a breakdown about what was going on. I find it interesting that not only was their post taken down, but they were banned entirely from the site.

UPDATE: Some folks are now saying on Reddit that some of the people who were banned will be moving to Steem (I'm assuming they meant Steemit.)

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I posted this in Bitcoin because Bitcoin payments are funding the documents' release (two sets have been released so far in exchange for hundreds of dollars worth of Bitcoin payments. Some people are wondering if the big $2.5 million Bitcoin purchase from yesterday might have been related to all this - I posted about that earlier in my feed.)

What do you think about all of this?

(PS: Big error on my part that you can see in the perma... My original headline said Twitter & Steemit, not Twitter & Reddit. I have no idea WHY I had that except I was writing too fast. I fixed it immediately, but it's stuck in the perma forever. Sorry about that.) :(

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