July 20 was a moon day... Will it be also one for BTC ?

I was not touching exact subject of proposed forks of BTC (other than mentioning 1st April UASF) but it looks like today we may have SegWit signaling already locked.

Currently 81,1% of network is signaling the lock in and if this happens - BTC will be able to scale with transaction demands and other useful things like side-chains.

Litecoin was first to succed the lockin and price went high. Coblee predicts the same for BTC now.

Okay so moon for BTC but why 20th is a moon day?

July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind.

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two humans on the Moon. Mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin, both American, landed the lunar module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July 21 at 02:56:15 UTC; Aldrin joined him about 20 minutes later. They spent about two and a quarter hours together outside the spacecraft, and collected 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg) of lunar material to bring back to Earth. Michael Collins piloted the command module Columbia alone in lunar orbit while they were on the Moon's surface. Armstrong and Aldrin spent just under a day on the lunar surface before rendezvousing with Columbia in lunar orbit.

Now time for BTC to land on Moon finally!

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