STEEMIANS - RE-Charge and STEEM On...

We know that the #crypto market is at a slump right now and it really makes everyone feel demotivated to post anything in #steemit. Well, today there was a jump in the market and suddenly everyone gets

Even the blogging trend i believe went down in a group i am in with previously having at least 70+ a day posting to just 20+ a day. We shouldn't use this as a reason from blogging, telling stories, sharing experience, showing pictures and having laughter together. We should always have the feeling of wanting to blog because we love to blog and the reward comes second. For sure, in our mind we will always want reward first before

#BITCOIN has a role in the #cryptocurrency world as they are like the US Dollar in the paper Currency world. So, when Bitcoin market drop, so will the other crypto's. Hope this is right from a layman point of view, financial market trend is not one of my strength...but super market trend!

As the locals say;

"Sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama jadi Bukit" or direct translation to english "Little little, long long become hill"

So don't give up...keep blogging...and Steem On...


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