Criptomercado Recovers After Descending To Its Lowest Point Of The Year

The cryptocurrency market has started an upward movement in the last hours, after having fallen to its lowest point this year, with a capitalization of $ 235 billion. This value has increased almost 8% and stands at 254.1 billion dollars at the time of writing.

This increase was accelerated between 12:00 and 13:00 on June 24 (GMT-4), period in which the global capitalization went from $ 235.3 billion to $ 252.2 billion. Bitcoin , the main currency of the market, increased close to $ 400 in just 50 minutes and currently stands at $ 6,235, which represents a 5% growth.

The main movements with bitcoin were in Binance, with 6% of the total market in the BTC / USDT pair; Bitfinex, with 5% in the BTC / USD and 4% in the pair with Tether in CoinBene, a house of change that in the last days has increased its volume of exchange and is currently the fourth house with more movement, according to data of Coinhills .

As usual, most altcoins replicate this behavior and show similar percentages in the same time ranges. However, they stand Monero , ethereum Classic and EOS , an increase of 13% the first two and the last 12%.

Exchanges with Monero are mainly carried out in pairs with the US dollar. Thus, HitBTC manages the highest volume of transactions in this pair, with 25%, Binance with 12% and Poloniex with 11%.

Ethereum Classic, on the other hand, shows its biggest movement in the OKEx Korean exchange house, where the pair with USDT handles 20% of the total volume and the pair with BTC 12%. Bitfinex follows with 10% on par with the US dollar.

Finally, EOS shows the highest volume in OKEx, in the pair EOS / USDT with 18%, followed by Huobi with 12% in the same pair and Bitfinex, with 12% against the US dollar.

It is notable that this last currency maintains this upward momentum, even after the EOS Core Arbitration Forum (ECAF) decided to block 27 addresses of this network , forbidding them to make exchanges. This type of news, which usually negatively impact the price of assets, does not seem to have deterred investors from trading in this currency.


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