Bitcoin is DEAD - Spectre killed it, 0 Value Left

Bitcoin is impossible to secure - I talked 6 months ago about the factory installed BIOS backdoors, as confirmed by Wikileaks Vault 7, that bypass any antivirus, and that cannot be closed by wiping your system or even installing a new hard drive and memory.

CNN and the New York Times now admit that the intelligence services have backdoors that are in every core processor for every computer - that means NO MODERN DEVICE CAN EVER BE SECURED. There is no fixing this!

The CIA has even had transceivers installed in all modern computers that broadcast over the electrical wires so data can be exfiltrated from a device that is firewalled completely from the Internet.

We in the Truth movement have been saying for years that Intel and Cisco are all backdoored so nothing online can be hidden. Now, under Trump, it is all coming out.

I am not just hating on Bitcoin for fun, it is a horrible technology which forces poor resource allocation by rewarding the cheapest energy prices above all other possible human objectives - if burning puppies made cheap energy, who ever burnt the most puppies would have the most Bitcoin.

Do we even know what the algorithm is solving for - we could use the combined computing power of millions of networked nodes to calculate some of the Universe's great mysteries, or model some of Earth's great challenges - but instead we are spending the world's greatest pooled computing force to solve for what? Whatever it is, I bet it isn't going to help us as humanity, because the same drug running, child trafficking occultists at the CIA who have all of this access do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to protect us with it. How can a single child porn image exist on the entire Internet with access like this?

Bitcoin is completely unsecurable, completely trackable and the core code base is controlled by a handful of insurance companies. Bitcoin would put control of the wealth of the world in the hands of those with access to the backdoors we must now all (even NYT and CNN) acknowledge exist.

If your money isn't securable, is it really even your money? If you had to keep your life savings on your front porch, how much would you save?

Forget BTC, buy as much Tesla as you can afford. You can thank me in 100 years.

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