Was Bitcoin the unlikely winner in Tuesday's Midterm Elections?

Bitcoin may have emerged from Tuesday as the biggest winner of all.

While most American's were glued to the final poll results to see whether democrats or republicans would control the House and the Senate, there was another very important race going on...


You see, there were a few very important victories on Tuesday that likely will spell very good news for bitcoin and crypto going forward.

The first one comes from Colorado.

In Colorado, progressive Democratic candidate Jared Polis defeated Republican Walker Stapleton by about 6 points in the governor race, replacing John Hickenlooper, who faced a term limit and couldn’t seek re-election.

Why does this matter?

Polis has long touted blockchain technology as a paramount part of his state's economic and voting future. In a campaign policy paper, Polis said he wanted to make Colorado the hub for all things crypto.


"My goal is to establish Colorado as a national hub for blockchain innovation in business and government. I believe strong leadership will put Colorado at the forefront of innovation in this sector—encouraging companies to flock to the state and establishing government applications that save taxpayers money and create value for Colorado residents."

(Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-may-be-an-unlikely-winner-in-midterm-elections-2018-11-07)

The national hub for all things crypto sounds pretty good to me!

The next victory comes from California...

In California, fellow crypto enthusiast, Gavin Newsom comfortably won over Republican John Cox.

If you have been around crypto for a while, the name Newsom likely sounds familiar.

Newsom plugged into the crypto community in 2014 when he began accepting donations in bitcoin.

In a May 20, 2014 tweet, the candidate said:

“Step right up?”

(To those willing to donate via a virtual currency)

At the time, a single bitcoin was worth less than $500, imagine if he had held on to them!

(Source: https://cryptocartel.club/ru/novosti-kriptovalyut/chto-pozvolit-kriptovalyute-bitkoin-vyrasti-do-luny)

One small step for bitcoin, one giant leap for crypto!

When someone asks you who the bigger winner was on Tuesday night, make sure you tell them bitcoin was.

With even more bitcoin-pro political figures in power, the odds of bitcoin (or something like it) taking a foothold in the US only increases.

Stay informed my friends.

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