Tim Draper says Bitcoin could be bigger than the internet

Tim Draper says that Bitcoin will be bigger than skype, tesla, and hotmail, combined.

Not only that but Tim Draper says that bitcoin could end up being even bigger than the internet in terms of how much this new technology disrupts just about everything we do.

The internet disrupted many things and Tim Draper says that bitcoin and the underlying blockchain technology could go even beyond that.

Whoa, that would be pretty big.

Who is Tim Draper?

You may recall hearing the name Tim Draper recently, he is the one that famously stated that bitcoin will hit $250,000 by 2022.

More about his prediction can be seen here:


Draper has been a long time tech investor who made a lot of his money during the internet boom of the late 90's.

He was an early investor in Hotmail, Skype, and Tesla, as well a host of technology companies, which is why he mentioned those 3 companies above comparing them to bitcoin.

The great debate:

Draper and Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock.com, were involved in a debate at the Adam Smith Society 2018 on whether bitcoin ultimately is a bubble, or not:

It can be seen here:

It's a great watch if you get the time.

There is a great bull and bear debate, and you are left deciding which side made the best argument.

Most interesting part of the debate:

The line that is probably the most memorable from Tim Draper came within the first couple of minutes of the debate where he compared bitcoin to the dotcom bubble.

He said, look everyone called the dotcom bubble a bubble, the internet was called a bubble, but look it's still being used today, in fact there are those in the audience using the internet right now.

Which means it wasn't really a bubble in the sense that it is going away or going to zero.

In fact, it is likely just the beginning.

Prices may get ahead of the technology at times, but if it's here to stay, it ultimately will have tons of value.

Stay informed my friends.

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