Satoshi's nest egg is worth a cool $5 billion at current prices

Satoshi Nakamoto is the undisputed creator of Bitcoin, however, no one knows exactly who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

Bitcoin is already shrouded in mystery, only adding to that mystery is the fact that no one even knows who created it.

Well almost no one, there is at least one person or person's out there that knows and that is Satoshi himself.

Either way, the one thing we know for certain is that Satoshi owns 1 million bitcoins and those bitcoins are worth more than $5 billion at today's prices.

A little backstory...

Back in 2008 Satoshi showed up on technology message boards releasing his 9 page white paper touting his idea behind bitcoin.

At this time it wasn't anything more than an idea on paper.

However, in 2009, Satoshi made those ideas come to life when he put out the first bitcoin software. During this time Satoshi communicated back and forth with developers via email and on message boards working to improve his program

Then in 2011, he vanished. 

His last message read:

"moved on to other things."

Then poof, no more messages, no more emails. He was gone forever.

At this point not even his core developers knew who he was or where he went.

Questions remain.

At this point, some even question whether he was a single person or possibly a group of people.

The name Satoshi Nakamoto was obviously a pseudo-name, but questions remain as to who that name actually represented.

Over the years several have come out publicly stating they are Satoshi, with none of them likely being the culprit.

There have even been rumors that bitcoin was a government project, though again none of that can be substantiated.

What we actually know...

Basically, besides the history listed above, we know that Satoshi (whoever he/she is) owns roughly 1 million bitcoins.

Those bitcoins haven't moved since they were put in their wallet.

At today's prices, those bitcoins are worth north of $5 billion USD.

The question everyone wants to know, besides who Satoshi is/was, is probably what he plans on doing with those bitcoins?

They represent roughly 5% of the total supply ever to exist of bitcoin.

Which, on a percentage basis, is a larger percentage of the total than the gold the United States owns as a percentage of its total.

(say that 5 times fast)

Now, after reading all of that, I'd like to share with all of you some breaking news...

I am Satoshi Nakamoto.

Just kidding.

Or am I?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay informed my friends.


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