BTC - Sneakers Pattern (Plus some Steem stuff)

We are seeing a very strong technical pattern developing on the BTC charts...

It's very rare to see, but when you do see it, you know you are in for a real treat.

I like to call it the Sneakers Pattern:



It happens when prices go up and down in a range just enough and for the right amount of time to form a sneaker.

What happens from here you might be wondering?

Well, we can say with absolute certainty that prices will get the boot from here!

(See what I did there?!)

Prices will either go up, or down, or sideways.

They will stay that way for a short or long period of time.

It's advisable to either buy, sell, or hold based on this very powerful chart setup.

Now go out and tell all your friends to buy, sell, or hold because bitcoin is printing the sneaker pattern!

If you did not catch on by now, this was all a joke...

Though I am sure someone somewhere could back-test this sneaker pattern and come up with some probabilities as to whether it actually does have some tendencies...

It won't be me though. :)

Anyways, the 18 millionth bitcoin will be mined today, we will only have to 120 more years for the last 3 million to be mined.

Unless I find the fountain of youth or some kind of magic pill, I won't be around to see it. Well that or somehow quantum computing figures out a way to mine the coins much faster than the current configurations allow.


In interesting news to US based Steem users...

Early last week, steem users were mostly shocked to learn that Poloniex would be delisting our beloved steem...

Well it appears that may not have been such a bad thing after all, at least for the US based steem users.

The reason being that they would have lost access to the exchange anyways!

Poloniex just announced that Circle is spinning out the Poloniex crypto exchange and moving it out of the US.

The reasoning likely having to do with US regulations...

So, yes steem international users still lose an exchange which is not good, but the US based steem users would have lost the exchange whether steem was officially delisted or not.

Considering that the majority of website visits to come from the US, it is probably pretty likely to also say that the majority of steem users are also from the US.

Which means...

Perhaps losing the steem listing on Poloniex wasn't quite as bad as it initially looked.

Stay informed my friends.


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