The Problem With The World

Here is the problem in the world today. Before I explain the significance I will first highlight it. Consider this post and dialogue with a random redditor:

We can see how quickly I can discern the extent of their knowledge on the subject they are giving their opinion on. It's seems very unlikely to me that this person has read the literature they are discussing and the poster immediately (and shamelessly) confirms my suspicions.

I'm just saying there is no consistent definition of capitalism

This is a denial of language and science.

I was unaware I was getting downvoted but it also speaks to the disease I am bringing awareness to in this writing. Now I have been accused of ad hominem which means that I have allegedly attacked the posters character rather than their argument.

So in this persons mind, it is acceptable to give a (wrong) argument on something they seemingly know nothing about, and when one points out they are clearly not familiar with the literature they are so opinionated (and vocal about), to them, this is an attack on their character.

And of course it is no surprise they are leaving the conversation.

This attitude is extremely prevalent in the world today especially on the internet. It is the the nature of the internet today not simply because one can be anonymous, but a culture that is fostered in which participants believe it is completely normal and acceptable to have strong opinions and feelings on subjects they are wholly unfamiliar with.

I have been told by many such people, even those with actual economic degrees, that economics is not a real science.

In the discussion referenced above I was “attacked” by multiple accounts that all supported the same (wrong) sentiments. That is too say there are many people that will openly and aggressively defend such ignorance, while also admitting (shamelessly) that they have no idea what they are talking about and are wholly unfamiliar with the works they are discussing.

This is the prevailing attitude that runs this world-ignorance.

The significance is that the prevailing attitude is in the wrong direction of logic and reason.

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