Take Control of your Digital You and Start Monetizing your Data with Datum Network!


Data is dubbed by many as the New Oil. Today it plays a vital role in the field of any growing economy.

Big companies and even small and medium enterprises depend on the data that we create.

These companies use our data to better track their product progress, future plan for product releases and service reviews to maintain their competitive edge.

Companies use this data in order for them to further expand and grow.

What is Data?

Data is everything around us, we generate data thru our actions, behaviors, and movements.

For many years we became an instrument of data collection.

The images and videos that we make daily, even in our more personal data, such as location and health condition, are collected because it is very valuable to them hence the new oil.

Despite the fact, the process of collecting our data are not generating enough accuracy.

This inaccuracies of data and information will possibly lead the economy and corporation to perform poorly.

To take it to the next level, we need to revolutionize the way we collect, share and sell our data. But how?

Today, most companies like google, twitter, facebook and other related sites, collect our data with or without our knowledge.

As I mentioned above, big, medium and small enterprises buy and even exploit our data,

And what we get in return? You're right Nothing.

This is what Datum Network wanted to solve.


What is Datum Network?

Datum Network

is one of the many start-up projects started to conceptualized in 2016.

Datum Network aims to decentralize the way we collect, store, share and sell our data without the need or have any third party.

Datum Network ecosystem is backed by its tokenized utility token DAT, secured by Smart Contract and it is built on top of Ethereum Blockchain.

by connecting differentservices to the platform, paying a small DAT token fee to store it in the network.: Page-1.png https://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=248490409306921

Datum Community is the backbone of data collection and its crowdfunding success.

With over 36,700 active followers on Twitter and 7,900+ active community members on Telegram, Datum Network gains enough popularity to successfully launched Initial Coin Offering.

Datum Network collect thousands of Ethereum and fiat funds, 653,841,597 DAT Tokens were sold during the Datum Token Pre-Sale and Sale in 2017.

DAT is already listed in different crypto exchanges.

Now Datum Network group of experts, developers and support community proudly announces the successful release of its Beta App in Google play store.

The Datum Network app now available not only on web-app version: https://webapp.datum.org but on non-bulky smartphone and iOS devices as well.

The Datum Network App —


Web-App: https://webapp.datum.org
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.datum.app
APK: https://datum.org/static/apk/datum-1.4.2.apk

4.2 Rating: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.datum.app

Datum Network App Features —


Secure —

All users who like to store their data in the Datum Network must be encrypted first before it is sent to the distributed network using AES256-GCM level of encryption.

Private —

Users data are available for anonymous storing which is very important. Additionally, all users have a control over their data and set usage terms that are protected by smart contact build on top of Ethereum blockchain.

Distributed —

To provide data uptime, all data is distributed to every storage nodes available, that means if several storage nodes are down or not available, there are always live storage nodes available running Datum’s Blockchain database to provide you service and still give high data integrity.

Storage owners who like to take-part and park data from Datum Network and provide high possible data uptime will be rewarded for hosting data and provide computing power.

Simple —

One of the key advantages of creating an app is to further expand the platform adaptation. Datum Network creates an app that is easy to manage, operate and use.

Now, all who like to take-part as data contributors have the ability to manage and set usage terms, control data into secured storage and monetize it as well.

Share —

Data Contributors has an ability to share data to Data Consumers both profit and non-profit entities such as government and non-government, researcher, business enterprises and others.

Data Contributors only need is to set usage terms or set data price if willing to buy data before granting Data Consumers an access.

Sell —

Data is considered by many as the new oil. Big companies sell and even exploit our data without even knowing it.

This is what Datum Network wanted to solve.
Now, all Data Contributors can take back their data and start monetizing it anytime using non-bulky easy to use application.


Datum Network has a potential to revolutionize the way we store, share and sell our digital self. Control your data now and manage it responsively with Datum Network #TakeBackYourData

Learn more: https://datum.org

Whitepaper: https://datum.org/assets/Datum-WhitePaper.pdf

Disclaimer: This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x

Bounty0x Username: @jeffgodric


WEBSITE: https://datum.org
WHITEPAPER: https://datum.org/assets/Datum-WhitePaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/datumnetwork
FACEBOOK: https://fb.me/datumnetwork
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/datumnetwork
BLOG: https://blog.datum.org/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqJepW8CF0havPLdmnJtuew

Proof of Authorship:
Bounty0x Username: @jeffgodric

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