04/28/2018 - US SEC Chairman Jay Clayton tells the House Appropriations Committee Bitcoin is not a security, Hong Kong High Court rules in favor of Binance CEO


Hong  Kong High Court rules in favor of Zhao Changpeng; the dispute was over  an exclusivity agreement between Zhao and a Chinese VC group known as  ”Sequoia Capital China”; however, the court found that the agreement was  deemed unlawful and not possible to enforce; SCC has now been ordered  to pay all of Zhao’s legal costs - Link                

US  Securities and Exchange Committee Chairman Chairman Jay Clayton tells  the House Appropriations Committee Bitcoin is not a security; more  accurately, he said that cryptocurrencies which function exclusively as  mediums of exchange should not be seen as securities; this is in  contrast to ICO tokens - Link                

The  Ethereum-based Swarm POC3 staging cluster is now open to testers; Swarm  is a distributed storage platform and content distribution service; it  intends to provide a decentralized store of Ethereum's public record;  however, WIP alert applies to the software - Link                

US state of North Carolina issues  a cease and desist order to a company reportedly engaging in  cryptocurrency mining; this comes following an initial cease and desist  order two months ago; the firm affected is known as ”Power Mining Pool”  and operates several mining rigs - Link                

Binance  signs agreement with Bermudas government; the agreement, a memorandum  of understanding, establishes funding for educational programs related  to blockchain; moreover, it will add at least 40 jobs through a ”global  compliance base” in Bermuda; the entire agreement is reportedly worth  $15M - Link                

Taiwan’s  government looks to implement cryptocurrency regulations this year;  this came from Taiwan’s Minister of Justice, who spoke at an anti-money  launder conference; the regulatory framework will prevent cryptocurrency  money laundering and should be introduced by November - Link

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