Is Bitcoin Another Establishment Trap?

From the dawn of time the establishment has rigged every system in their favour. "Divine" royal privilege, slavery, feudal systems, capitalism, communism, "democracy", "free" markets, patriotism, faith dogmas, and so on and on and on. Everyone believes they have a boss with self-interest as priority.

Occasionally something challenges the establishment. These are far and few between but give me hope.

Democracy vs Fake Democracy

Workers cooperatives are worker directed enterprises where the "boss" role is divided (decentralized) among everyone involved in a genuine democracy as equal part-boss - including everyone as equal part-decider of what to do with profits. Not like our rigged election circuses staged by oligarchs profusely claiming democratic values as they lie, cheat, divide, conquer, and distract from real issues with their terror fueled deep state shadow governments. (As just a concerned Canadian citizen across the river from the largest military state power and aggressor in the world, who am I to criticize?)

Princeton's study proved that the American middle class and poor people are not listened to at all in their debt-slave open-prison police-state oligarchy. Polling is the real unofficial voting to see how they can better manipulate us with their propaganda. If we voted on issues rather than feeble people then we might actually get what we vote for. If we could vote where our taxes went, then we might really have a democracy. Rather than simplifying our tax forms, why don't we merge our tax forms with our ridiculously over-simplified voting forms. "If voting was effective it'd be outlawed." ~disputed quote author. Worker cooperatives may not be illegal (yet), but they're certainly never promoted or even covered in mainstream corporate media. Where was the last worker coop you saw on TV or in the movies?

Crypto Currency's Endless Potential

Image from: Bitcoin Forum
Besides worker coops and the decentralization of mass alternative media (under heavy attack), Bitcoin also challenges the establishment. These give me great hope. I'd like to see more crypto-currencies spring up to counter the gang-banksters, their rigged fiat systems, and their corrupt puppet politicians who are ever more evil the higher you go and bigger the region they control centrally.

I hope local regional people start their own small crypto-currencies and blockchain technologies managed by their local people, which may or may not involve (less corrupted) politicians, naturally based on local earned trust. I live in Windsor, Essex County, Ontario, Canada – 4 potential currencies. If they corrupt, fail, or you just don’t like them then just make more: South Western Ontario, East Windsor, Pillette Village, etc. Don’t stop there! How about these names: Christiancoin, Jupitercoin, Anarcoin, Carlincoin, Batmancoin, Yodacoin, InvisiblePinkUnicoin, InviziblSkratch, Unobtanium, Cannabiscent, TrickleUp, MoralCurrency, CorbettReportDotCoin, (I've got a million names)... for any group or affiliation you like, even use ones you don’t. The possibilities are endless and there’s already Bitcoin, Namecoin, Peercoin, Dashcoin (formerly Darkcoin), Litecoin, Feathercoin, Vertcoin, Flashcoin, Ethereum, Humaniq, Steemit, DogECoin


How about a Truthercoin? Not only could this be a viable crypto-coin like any other, but its very existence might inspire otherwise incurious sheeple to wonder what is a "Truther" about. This taboo could get sexy. While we’re at it, how about a tax exempt Church of Truther with vaguely anti-state and anti-religion beliefs? Vague only because people will always bicker about the details or “theories” - what to include or exclude, etc - like any other belief, fantastic dogma or not. I'd give your left leg for a Truther Political Party. I could go on...

Internet Weaknesses

Bitcoin's obvious weaknesses are the same problems for our technologically based world. The internet almost everyone depends upon in countless ways is very adaptable and resilient but radiation from a solar flare or an electromagnetic pulse from a nuclear bomb or meteor detonation high in the atmosphere may take out most electronic systems across a continent. At that point we'd have far more to worry about than bitcoin problems. Aside from a massive dose of radiation, the uncertain future of net neutrality and internet freedoms, and whatever else the NSA, snoop spooks, and deep state may have up their sleeves, I can't imagine or speculate on other physical threats to bitcoin over the internet.

Bitcoin vs Establishment

However, one speculative concept haunts me. Bitcoin has never really been against the establishment, or anyone for that matter. Sure it was fringe until it wasn't. Certainly it was once alternative but now grows acceptance. While there are no elite backstage passes aside from the transparent(?) core protocol developers club, there are simply no rules to keep anyone out, including establishment overlords. Anyone can participate. It's just another system that may be taken over. Bitcoin has been infiltrated by the establishment and could take it over. I'm sure it's a great place for money laundering, an effective investment, a tax haven for some, and a market to be manipulated by others. I won't delve into fraud history or corruption potential of bitcoin. I can't tell you exactly how markets are manipulated, but we all know they are. Anyone can set up scams in any industry if they have the talent, willpower, and evasive skills. There is no way Bitcoin has escaped this. I'm skipping specifics to ponder the fundamental nature of monopolizing systems - and people.

From Many Hands To Few Hands

Initially a person could mine bitcoins with their computer. Before long you needed many powerful processors. Then came mining pools where growing numbers of individuals collected their efforts. At the same time, corporate elites with bounty to "gamble" have built large warehouses full of processors to industrially mine bitcoins. Pool mining will be a thing of the past if it isn't already.

To the ultimate point of this post: Do not be surprised when corporate industrial quantum computer bitcoin mining operations not only merge and ultimately monopolize but also rig and scam all accessible crypto-currency systems as elites do with every known industry, banking or otherwise. The Silk Road was an authentic fair and free market and eventually the establishment had it killed ignoring the genuinely harmful crime on the dark web. Freedom is forbidden.


Will decentralized bitcoin eventually become monopolized? Is Bitcoin ultimately becoming another trap? Is dogmatic faith in bitcoin just like any other illusory belief? I look forward to hearing your comments below.

Similarly, until Steemit becomes transparently open and fully decentralized or a similar alternative develops from a blockchain, stack, platform, network, protocol, or whatever - even this medium has limits.

The wonderful thing about worker coops, alternative media, and bitcoin is that they are decentralized power in the hands of regular people. Often we believe we are resisting while elites steer the resistance. These real decentralized efforts cannot last without massive awareness, resistance, and innovation against the status quo.

I hope this little awareness ray has planted in you a seed of an idea to grow food for thought. Believe in Bitcoin until you don't.

Image from: I'm Justin Braun
"Chicago Bitcoin & Digital Currency Rendezvous"

Stay aware, watchful, and skeptical. Resist as much and as hard and as long as possible.

Image from: YouTube - arm's .zoo
"NGZ FREESTYLE #1 (oklm remix)"

Jason Carswell accepts bribes and donations on Steemit, Bitcoin (1PTQtSVyBxuYRBk85bnEWd4mym5AukuU7y), and Namecoin (NG97tHwfkExF9VMe9m6ZzdrsKv5vbuhz5P).

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