There's a Bitcoin GOLD RUSH Going on - How to PROFIT Big from BITCOIN

The FASTEST Way to Make Money with Bitcoin

As I was telling you guys, Bitcoin is the REAL MONEY, and it is a money of the FUTURE. PLUS once you have enough bitcoin or a bitcoin "INCOME", you can tell the UNITED STATES corporation and the IRS to F#CK OFF, AFTER you junk your corporate citizenship and SSN, which people with REAL MONEY, DON'T NEED.

SERIOUSLY people, this is REAL money, REAL fast. And I don't mean any stinking FIAT currency. You can make BITCOINS by RENTING capacity on bitcoin mining rigs. 

bitcoin mining rig

I knew about this, but had NO IDEA how profitable AND EASY it can be.

Now, there are TWO WAYS to do it. 

ONE, you can buy a mining rig. The best one for bitcoin costs about $5500 on ebay or $4k directly from China. It's rated at 14TH(terrahashes) and it'll produce about 1 BITCOIN per YEAR, running 24 hours a day.

And since Bitcoin is now about $17k, you can profit around $12k by buying one and running it at your home. Of course it's a bit noisy, runs 24/7 and uses 1400 watts, which is about 1000kWh per month.

That's still a GREAT DEAL, especially considering that a year from now, bitcoin could be $170,000. Not bad on a $5k investment in 1year, huh?

The SECOND way to profit from it, and make REAL money, is to RENT MINING capacity. I.e. someone with a mining rig will rent it to you FOR A FEE. Below is one company that does that, and their fee is $150 per TH.

Now the mining rig I mentioned above is rated 14TH/s, so if you bought 14TH from this company, it'd cost you $2100/year, and you'd have an equivalent to having the actual $5k mining rig. MINUS having the headaches of maintaining it, providing internet connection to it, dealing with the heat and noise and electricity costs.

And like I said, 14TH will produce about 1 BITCOIN per year, so your $2100 investment could produce $17,000 to $170,000 profit in a year!!! How much would a bank pay you in interest for $2100? Not very much, huh?

Now this is NOT an investment advice, just an FYI. I'd post it here even if I didn't have an affiliate link that pays me 10% of new people signing in. And it's anonymous, they just want you email. You can pay with BITCOIN or with credit cards, but with credit cards they require verification.

Here's how to register:

1.Go to:

Setup an account it only takes a few minutes.

2. After your account is set up click "Buy Hashrate" on the left hand side of the page.

3. From there choose "SHA-256" for bitcoin mining.

4. Use the sidebar to choose how much hashpower you want to buy and click proceed.

5. On the next page click select payment method and you can pay with BTC or with a credit card(there is no fee for using a card)

6. Agree to terms and click confirm

7. On the next page enter your payment info if you are paying by credit card. And complete the payment.

8. For first purchase with a credit card you will have to go into your credit card purchase history from you bank website and get the 4 digit code on the transaction and enter that code in hashflare so they can verify the card you are using is indeed yours and is not stolen. 

9. You are all set. Your payout will be in bitcoin once per day. 


BTW, don't take my word for it. Here's a bitcoin mining calculator that shows you a BTC profit from 1TH. It's about 0.05769BTC per year, which is about 0.8 BTC/year from 14TH, AFTER the maintenance fees are deducted. Multiply that by today's price of bitcoin, or by $170k which LIKELY is what 1 BTC will be worth a year from now.

Looks to me as a potentially LIFE-CHANGING op portunity. I kept telling you guys that having bitcoin is like gold mining 150 years ago. Now that bitcoin skyrocketed from $800 in January to $17,000 today, it's a full blown GOLD RUSH!

Here's the registration link again:

BTW, there are other companies that rent out mining rig capacity, but since bitcoin mining is SO PROFITABLE now, some of them ran out of capacity and have no capacity to sell for any amount of money. It's like mining gold in 1800's; the EARLY miner gets the GOLD!


Here's an earnings update. I've bought a $51 contract just to test it out, which gave me a 0.34TH. First day results are here, although they're only for 22 hours since I made payment 22 hours before I found these results on my dashboard. 

So my 0.34TH gave me  0.00005041 BTC payout, out of which my account was credited  0.00004314 BTC. And that's 71 cents at btc price of $16500. That'd make it $21.30 earning per month and $255 per year. So my $51 investment is ON TRACK towards earning $255/year. Probably closer to $300 since the first day was only 22 hours.

Here's a pic:

my bitcoin mining payout


BTW, this is starting to spread like wildfire on social media. And since the number of mining rigs out there is quite LIMITED, this just CANNOT last very long. I predict that in a MONTH or TWO they'll either jack up the price to at least DOUBLE or they'll STOP selling new hashing contracts. So those who ACT FAST will benefit the most.


And lastly, I'm all about FREEDOM. So if you'd like to know more about how to fully "DECENTRALIZE" yourself from any PRETEND government (see the "About" note on my steemit page to see what I mean), then you may wanna follow me. I.e. I'm no longer a taxpayer and IRS knows it and doesn't mess with me, and my bank account is exempt from levy so they can't touch it. Knowledge is power.

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