Will the Bitcoin price reach a Million dollars some day?

According to various sources there are between 15 and 35 Million dollar millionaires globally. It is difficult to say but it is somewhere in between.

It is important to note the word Dollar :) as there are many millions more other currency millionaires. If we only look at Zimbabwe there are probably more billionaires, or to put it differently everybody in Zimbabwe was a billionaire at some point due to their idiotic leader just printing more money, but that is not where I want to go today.

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There will only ever be 21 Million Bitcoin issued.

It is remarkable to think that there will most probably be less Bitcoin issued than there currently is Millionaires in the world. Just think about that for a second… One of the main things that will give Bitcoin its value in future is its scarcity. It is still very possible to get your hands on Bitcoin as there is new Bitcoin mined every 10 Minutes. The future will however be a bit different.

I do not believe that Bitcoin will be the one and only crypto in the hands of the masses. Sure the network operators are trying to address the scalability and speed of the coin. In my opinion this is not really necessary as I believe that Bitcoin has a purpose. So does all the other crypto's in the world. Bitcoin for me should be used as a measurement and benchmark standard for the other coins. Like we had gold in the olden days. You could only print as much money as the amount of gold your country owned. Again this is just my opinion.

To use another comparison to gold, is that Bitcoin has value for the same reason gold has value. People want Bitcoin and there is not enough to go around. You can't just create more gold, and at some point nobody will be able to create Bitcoin. It will therefor become scarce.

The future price of Bitcoin.

I have read various sources indicates that Bitcoin can go up to as much as $10 000 even $15 000 I the near future. Even in this year 2017. I am not giving financial or trading advice whatsoever, but what I do know for a fact is that I am going to buy at least 1 Bitcoin for my 3 and 7 year old daughters. Hopefully this will be worth something on their 18th Birthdays. If it is not, well I haven't lost much have I?

You can read more about this on Coin Telegraph - Bitcoin Price Might Exceed $1 Million, More Millionaires in World Than Bitcoins

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