Numbers Don't Lie - CoinMarketCap (a Niche crypto website) is the #117th most visited website in the World and #36 in the USA (beating Walmart, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and just behind CNN, Paypal)

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The entire tech world sits poised, eagerly awaiting blockchain technologies to cross the chasm and enter the realms of mainstream adoption.

Whilst the mass media continues to espouse Bitcoin as a hugely risky and speculative venture, investors who have been involved in the space for any length of time consider that taking profits and selling back into Fiat Currency seems to be the riskier option.

As this mindset transitions into the ranks of the newly-recruited crypto traders in their millions, we could see a shift from profit-driven motives to long-term holders who choose instead to hold their cards and wait for potential adoption, furthering Bitcoins’ scarcity.

Whilst the core coin serves as a bastion of value to an increasing number, thousands of brilliant blockchain minds are also hard at work, weaving elaborate ways to apply blockchain technology to disrupt literally anything that can be disrupted. If even some of these projects work as intended, the consequences should be a transformative shift from the current modus operandi to greener pastures.

Projects like EOS aim to democratize the entire internet infrastructure. It’s creator Dan Larimer built Steemit and Bitshares, successful and operational blockchains and this third project enables others to build upon the capabilities these prior projects have shown, particularly robustness and radical transparency.

The possibilities of this project will be fully realised in Summer of this year when their main network launches.

Others like SONM aim to distribute supercomputer performance at cost-levels far below traditional suppliers. Their aim? Anyone who owns a spare graphics card can pool resources with other graphics card owners and sell that performance to whoever may need it, such as a company wishing to render animation – A hugely intensive task that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and take many months, may be possible in a much shorter space of time for pennies-on-the-dollar whilst avoiding the middlemen.

GET Token disrupts the concert ticketing space, making it literally impossible for ticket scalpers to buy thousands of tickets and sell them at a higher price to unfortunate concert-goers. Attracting Advisors such as Watse De Jong, Martin Garrix’s manager [#1 ranked DJ 2017] on board – blockchain projects are closer to reality and far less of a fantastical pipe-dream than some may have you believe.

Numbers Don’t Lie.

It’s a fundamental crypto concept. And it is also an important concept in business, specifically to recognise how well something is working. And how do cryptos fare on that side of things?

Coinmarketcap, a niche website frequented by crypto traders, has quietly slipped into the top 120 websites by worldwide traffic [alexa, 2018] – making it one of the top 120 most visited websites in the world.

It is also the 36th most visited website in America.

In comparison, Microsoft, the largest OS company in the World is the 34th Most visited.

Apple, technology and mobile phone giant is 33rd in the US.

CNN, one of the giants of News & Media is the 29th most visited in the US.

[alexa, Top Sites in the United States, 2018]

All of these, and many thousands of other notable mentions are being eclipsed by… a niche crypto-trading website listing cryptos and their marketcaps?

The statistics also show that People are, on average, spending the same amount of time on CoinMarketCap per session than they spend on Facebook, and visiting it the same frequency.

All of this from a site with only 5000 backlinks (links to Coinmarketcap from other websites) and a paltry 13% of traffic coming from search engines make it truly an enigma as far as highly-performing websites go.

My other post, analysing the Alexa Rankings of Crypto Projects is the natural next step if you wish to follow this topic further.

It is unmistakably evident that if nothing else, blockchains are here, and have huge appeal to a large population of people. There is large-scale attention, and as coinmarketcap shows, it seems to be pointed at a somewhat deeper understanding than buying a crypto-asset to merely cash it in for fiat at a later date.

It seems that once people catch a glimpse of this realm, the spark is lit and the dreams come alive.

And with dreams come hope and imagination, fuel for a better future, with blockchains as the means to get there.

This is only my opinion and this post does not constitute investment, financial or legal advice. Information is made available freely for informative or entertainment purposes.

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