Can't even buy 1 bitcoin for yourself? Way too expensive? Let's look at STEEM too for a second.

Some people say "I wish I would have bought Bitcoin when it was cheap".... $20 today buys you.. WHAT??


What do you notice is going on with this image?

That's right, both Bitcoin and STEEM price are going up and show bright futures.

Cryptocurrency is a marathon race. It's not how fast you get there.. it is how long you keep running in the race that matters.

As time goes on:

  • Your experience with tracking your investments gets better
  • You get smarter at picking which coins to invest in
  • As you get older and wiser you gain confidence in what you're doing.
  • You have more opportunities to learn
  • You get to watch both STEEM and BITCOIN evolve

Can't even buy 1 bitcoin for yourself? Way too expensive?

I bumped into a stranger in public recently that overheard a Bitcoin conversation...

  • You will enjoy how this short conversation went, here it is:
Stranger:"I've been hearing about Bitcoin a lot. How much does it cost to buy one?"
ME:"No one buys a full one... It's too expensive. It's like $17,000"
Stranger:"ohhh" (big frown on his face)
ME:"People buy fragments of one"
Stranger:"How much does a fragment cost?"

I answered: "For as little as $20 you can own a piece of Bitcoin"

A smile from ear to ear spread across his face... and then this stranger happily said:

  • "THANKS! I didn't know that!!!!"...

Could it be that the mainstream media is constantly talking about the $17,000 investment so it silently gets people to steer away from cryptocurrency thinking it's only for huge investors?

  • Answer: YES

What do you think? Do you own even $20 worth of Bitcoin?

What about other coins? Keep in mind, $20 today could be worth $2,000 in 2-5 years from now. What else can you do with $20 these days?

I only ask one thing: Try to avoid pumping your favorite coin in the comments. This is more about $20 and cryptocurrency in general, and less about which favorite coins to invest in...

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