Inflation is Theft: Bitcoin, Bullion and Failing Fiat with Andreas Antonopoulos


Andreas Antonopoulos is a hero of mine, he explains the utility and beauty of bitcoin so eloquently and with such simplicity he simply never ceases to astound. In the linked video, Antonopoulos speaks with a bitcoin skeptic but one who seems sincere about his concern and curiosity, and so I really felt this was worth sharing because we all know people who just do not get crypto and we could learn from Andreas how best to share the freedom bitcoin offers.

I really loved this video, and I hope you will too.

Midasletter interviews Antonopoulos: Bitcoin, Gold & Failing Fiat

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My Thoughts & Comments:


Inflation is a like a fire, burning real wealth to stay warm:

Governments restrict access into and out of fiat currency, effectively barring most exits of the financial system, then they start a fire inside the building, "burning" the currency and nation down from the inside, stealing prosperity from tomorrow to spend today, by devaluing savings from prudent citizens in the same way Rome "clipped coins" all while they themselves stand with one foot out of the proverbial door.

Inflation is GREAT for Governments, Bankers and Oligarchs:


  • Governments have no savings and so are not impacted by coin-clipping... I mean inflation.
  • Governments owe debts that will one day be defaulted upon, so borrow into oblivion makes a sense to them.

Bankers & Oligarchs:

  • Central banks lend currency into existence, risking nothing of their own, and earning government bonds in the process.
  • Bankers and the oligarchs are capable of liquidating their holdings in this fiat system before you ever can, thus ensuring the preservation of their wealth before you even see the problem coming.
  • Also governments and the elites take advantage of inflation by claiming the first fruits of currency creation for themselves. Spending new dollars before the impact of the monetary inflation has its diminishing effect on the dollar.



F***ing thieves!

Buy gold, buy silver, buy bitcoin, steem, and perhaps a few others. Get out of their failing fiat ponzi scheme NOW while you still can.

Seek knowledge, educate yourself, for free, on important concepts like inflation, quantitative easing, fractional reserve lending, derivatives, and then you will begin to see why I advocate for #FleeingFiat, and buying alternatives like gold, silver and bitcoin.


As always guys, thank you for your time and attention, if you want to see more content from me check out my YouTube channel where today I posted a video about the stock bubble, and what I take away from Jerome Powell's recent speech, and the Dow's response of 600 point gain yesterday. The TLDR version being: stocks are rising irrationally, sell now, buy gold, silver and Bitcoin.

I hope you have an amazing day and God bless you and yours.


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