Central Banker Throws Tantrum: Bitcoin Too Unstable To Be Money!


European Central Bankers don't like Bitcoin. What a surprise!. The latest blast of wind from European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny, is that Bitcoin is too unstable and vulnerable to speculation to be money.

The Masters of the Universe have discovered that they have a weakness. Its called Bitcoin. As I have stated in another post here on Steemit, Bitcoin is Kryptonite to The Banks https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@independencenow/bitcoin-is-kryptonite-to-the-banking-cartel , and they fear being rendered useless.

People are waking up and taking back the reins of power from the money changers, and people like old Ewald can't stand too see it happen. As more and more people step off of the gerbil's wheel, you can be sure we will hear more imbecilic comments from the Central Bankers and politicians of the world.

Source: https://www.investing.com/news/economy-news/ecb%27s-nowotny:-bitcoin-unstable,-too-vulnerable-to-speculation-507119

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