Mueller Mayhem: Quick Update on the Markets

Long time no see. I've been quiet here as I've awaited my bullish predictions. Figured it's time for an update in this time of extra uncertainty. I'll keep it very quick, as far as this post(the video at the bottom is long AF). I'm still extremely bullish on bitcoin and the crypto market, and more bearish than ever on the American stock market. I recorded part of my livestream, about an hour long, where I explain in detail a lot of the stuff I had previously explained in other videos, and of course some new stuff since then. I made it initially as an update to my "TA is NOT Bullshit!" and "TA Tidbits" series I started on twitter earlier this year that I hadn't updated in over a month. That'll be at the end of this post. First, below is the full-size picture of the conversation with my friend, which is essentially a quick summary of the points highlighted in my video(click/tap for full-size).

Update (April 23, 2019 5:20 AM UTC): It subsequently went up a little bit and proceeded to make a higher low around $5265, ultimately pumping up to $5650 at Coinbase Pro about an hour ago. Definitely still bullish.

Here's a chart I posted on twitter on March 30th(click/tap for full-size)

And my "Sum of the American indicies divided by bitcoin" chart is doing real well, indicating to me with it's candlesticks and positioning under the .382(among other signs) that another drop very soon is more likely than not.

Interactive chart

Update(April 22, 2019 8 AM UTC): The U.S. Dollar Currency Index is finally about to give too, by the looks of it. About to break the low from last Friday. And China...

My 24/7 "Not Financial Advice" livestream has been banned for a couple months on YouTube(unbanned in about a month), but it's still at twitch, Mixer, and now DLive (no ads!)

"Not Financial Advice" 24/7 Livestream links: DLive | twitch | Mixer
My links: Twitter | Tradingview | YouTube | Twitch | Facebook
iDC INC's links: Facebook | Twitter

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