
I have to admit I don't know squat! Yet I am fascinated, moved, driven, enthusiastic, frustrated,hopeful, joyful, impatient about the cryptocurrency movement market...wait! Is it a movement or a market? Is this a revolution? Where am I?! I read that we are due for a stock market crash and I need to learn how to hunt for food. What?!? I'm a city girl I don't know how to shoot! I have so much to learn! There is so much to think about! Should I have already used another paragraph already? I am all over the place! Where do I start?! Anywho I am extremely excited to be here and to learn all that I can. As you can see I'm confused and have had way too much coffee at 1:38pm (pst) I set up a bitcoin wallet last week and all I can think is "Okay, now what?!?" Help! Okay new paragraph.

As you can see I am quite unorthodox. I dislike following rules of grammar and commas. It's irrelevant to me. I've always been a square trying to fit into a circle. I hated school growing up. It was never my thing. I always felt that it was useless information that I couldn't quite execute in real life.

My question is why didn't we learn about this stuff in school? Not cryptocurrencies but investing, 401ks, what do to do in the event of a stock market crash, saving money, money management, buying a house, etc. I am in my late 20s and I unfortunately live in one of the most expensive states; most wages out here do not match the price of living. I have two college degrees and I am struggling hence why I've decided to dive into the cryptocurrency market to learn a new skill, trade, invest, meet new people, and to have fun.

Did I mention my name yet? Sorry my name is Morgan and I started my trading journey in February of this year (2017) in case someone from the future reads this. I first attempted to learn about the stock market; quickly realizing how difficult and expensive it is to trade. I didn't make much money at all unfortunately I live on the west coast and the markets open at 6:30am. I start work at 8am. No thank you! After that mistake I decided to switch over to the foreign exchange market; I learned the basics and within a week I began trading. I made about $20 within the first month. I was so proud of myself I decided to buy a Tesla; just kidding no I didn't, that would be crazy I actually bought two Tesla's. Okay enough with the Dad jokes I didn't buy anything.

Throughout my journey with the Forex market I kept seeing Bitcoin pop up on Stocktwits. It was the talk of the town. The price was soaring and everyone was jumping in; even my coworkers were talking about it. I kept thinking what's a bitcoin? What can I do with it? Is it money? What's the ticker symbol? It's not on the stock market?! Stop this madness! I was frustrated! It was tough going from the stock market to the foreign exchange market to now learning about Cryptocurrencies. My brain is full; however, there is opportunity, potential, and value that I see here.

The bitcoin soaring prices forced me to take a hard look at myself and I had to admit that I know nothing (Socrates). I had ask myself one question; Why do I trade? (To be continued)

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