What to do if your transaction "has got stuck"

The number of transactions over the years steadily grew in network of Bitcoin. It means that even more often blocks are filled to a limit. And as not all transactions can be at once included in a blockchain, in "memory pools" (some kind of "turns of transactions") of mayner traffic jams are formed.

Not the best user experience can become result. On confirmation of transactions with too low commission hours, days can leave, and sometimes they at all are never confirmed.
But here several councils how to avoid lag of your transaction.
Before sending
In the first years of existence of Bitcoin the majority of purses added the fixed commission to the proceeding transactions: as a rule, 0,1 mBTC. As mayner all the same had empty seat in blocks, they usually included these transactions in the next got block. (Actually often also transactions with lower commission or in general without the commission joined).
With growth of the competition for space in the block of the fixed commission of 0,1 mBTC is frequent insufficiently that transaction has been included in the following block; she is killed by transactions with higher commission. Though even transactions with the low commission probably will be confirmed sooner or later, it can take a lot of time.
Try to increase the commission
If you want that your transaction has been confirmed quicker, the obvious decision – to include higher commission.
If your purse (by default) specifies the insufficient commission, it can be modified manually, or in settings of a purse, or when sending transaction (or both there, and there).
Such websites as 21.co, watch network and prompt what commission should be included on one byte and also as transactions with the different commissions can be quickly confirmed.
If it is necessary for you that the payment has taken place in the next one-two blocks, you have to pay higher commission. For not such urgent payments the commission can be lower, just on confirmation slightly more time will leave.
Check whether there are in your purse dynamic commissions
Today the majority of purses support the dynamic commissions. These purses, proceeding from data of network of Bitcoin, automatically include the commissions with which transaction has to be included in the next or one of the next blocks.
Some purses also allow to choose the commission depending on a priority. Besides, with higher commissions your transactions will be confirmed quicker, and with low more time is required.
If transactions from your purse often are late in rush hours and you have no opportunity to choose the commission with a big priority, most likely, your purse has become outdated. Check whether updating is available, or replace a purse.
Think about change of a purse
If you decide to replace a purse, to you, of course, it is necessary to transfer funds from an old purse to new. If you don't hurry and you don't object to payment of the commission, then it is possible just to send funds from an old purse on new through network of Bitcoin. They probably will reach sooner or later – even if the commission low.
If you hurry, then some purses allow to export private keys or the source code of private keys and then to import them to a new purse. For this purpose transactions in network of Bitcoin aren't required. You at once will be able to carry out transactions from a new purse.
After sending
If you have already poisoned transaction and it has hanged, in certain cases it is possible to make so that she "has jumped over turn".
Replacement on the commission
To make the easiest way so that transaction has jumped over turn, – to use an option of "possible replacement on the commission" (Opt-In Replace-by-Fee, or Opt-In RBF). It allows to resend the same transaction, but with higher commission.
In most cases, when on network the same transaction is resent, but with higher commission, the network rejects it. Bitcoin knots usually consider such new transaction double expenditure and therefore don't accept or don't transfer it.
But when sending transaction with Opt-In RBF you, in fact, say networks that you can repeatedly send later the same transaction, but with the bigger commission. As a result, the majority of knots of Bitcoin will accept this new transaction instead of old, having allowed her to rise in the beginning of turn.
Whether new transaction will be included in the next block, depends on what mayner will find the following block: not all mayner support Opt-In RBF. However this option is supported by enough mayner that your transaction with high probability has been included in one of the next blocks.
Opt-In RBF support two purses now: Electrum and GreenAddress. Depending on a purse, you can be necessary to include Opt-In RBF in settings before sending (first) transaction.
The child pays for the parent
If your purse doesn't support Opt-In RBF, everything is slightly more difficult.
Perhaps, the "child pays for the parent" method will work (Child Pays for Parent, or CPFP). When using CPFP mayner not necessarily choose transactions with the highest commission, but instead choose group of transactions with the highest total commission.
If not to go deep into technical details, then the majority of transactions not only send bitcoins to the recipient, but also send you "d Some purses allow to spend this delivery even if it is still not confirmed therefore you can send her to yourself in new transaction. Only this time don't forget to include rather high commission to compensate the low commission of initial transaction. Mayner will choose the whole group of transactions and all will confirm them at once.
If your purse doesn't allow to choose what bitcoins to spend, – i.e. you can't spend unconfirmed delivery, – it is possible to try to send himself all means in a purse where also delivery will be included.
As well as in case of Opt-In RBF, now not all mayner support CPFP. But nevertheless this option is supported by enough mayner that your transaction has been confirmed in one of the following blocks.
Or …
If there is no opportunity to use neither Opt-In RBF, nor CPFP, all of you can try to send initial transaction with the bigger commission. Some mayner accept so-called "full replacement on the commission". However now the purses which are available in open access don't support such option.
Or it is possible to wait until transaction is confirmed or until bitcoins appear on your purse again. It is important to note that so far transaction isn't confirmed, bitcoins formally still are on your purse – though often it isn't visible. Bitcoins don't "hang" in literal sense in network and can't be lost.elivery". You can spend this delivery in the following transaction.
Besides, the mining-pool of ViaBTC began to offer "the accelerator of transactions". If your hung-up transaction includes the commission at least than 0,1 mBTC on kilobyte, you can report an ID of transaction of ViaBTC, and the pool will raise its priority concerning other transactions. As ViaBTC controls about 7% of computational capability of a network of Bitcoin, there is a high probability that it will find the unit in the next several hours. Nevertheless service is restricted to 100 transactions an hour.
If you are a receiver
Of course, also transaction in which you are a receiver can hang up.
If your purse supports expenditure of unconfirmed transactions, then it can also be solved by means of CPFP. In the same way as it was described above, you can send the unconfirmed entering bitcoins to yourself, having included rather high commission to compensate the low commission of initial transaction. If the new commission is sufficient, transaction usually is confirmed within several next units. Certainly, the accelerator of transactions ViaBTC mentioned above works also for the entering transactions. Besides, the mining-pool of ViaBTC began to offer "the accelerator of transactions". If your hung-up transaction includes the commission at least than 0,1 mBTC on kilobyte, you can report an ID of transaction of ViaBTC, and the pool will raise its priority concerning other transactions. As ViaBTC controls about 7% of computational capability of a network of Bitcoin, there is a high probability that it will find the unit in the next several hours. Nevertheless service is restricted to 100 transactions an hour.
If you are a receiver
Of course, also transaction in which you are a receiver can hang up.
If your purse supports expenditure of unconfirmed transactions, then it can also be solved by means of CPFP. In the same way as it was described above, you can send the unconfirmed entering bitcoins to yourself, having included rather high commission to compensate the low commission of initial transaction. If the new commission is sufficient, transaction usually is confirmed within several next units. Certainly, the accelerator of transactions ViaBTC mentioned above works also for the entering transactions.

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