Tokyo Bitcoin meetup

I met steemians at the meetup!

This is a weekly meeting for people who is interested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
It was my first time meeting and I talked a lot about cyptos as well as Blockchain aside from my work.

You may have seen news about Japan is adapting Bitcoin. However, I would say 1 in 100 knows about Bitcoin and even much less owns it.

Erik (@rt395) told me that he was expecting to get "Hey your tshirts!" while walking on the street of Shibuya with wearing the Steemit tshirt. but noone did (I did it when I saw him!).

Lots of Japanese are scared of new technology. Japan developed new product but they do not use it. Some people are still using VHS video, I also still have completely working Nintendo console from 80's because it never break.
Japanese are slow when it comes to using new technology.

On the other hand, I lived Malaysia for 3 years before and saw people that how strong interested in using new technology regardless the price of the product. It was between 2009 - 2012 kind of the time that smart phone went mainstream, iPhone, samsung etc. Meanwhile, I still often see people using Pakapaka phone (Flip mobile phone) now in Japan 2017.

Digital money is popular such as Pasmo and Suica which are used for public transportation as well we convenience stores and vending machines. If Bitcoin can be used like these for everyday use, it would help the adaption.

It was nice to talk to you guys ;)

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