My 2017 Bitcoin and Crypto Currency Predictions.

Get Ready for a Huge 2017 in the World of Crypto Currency and Bitcoin.

Are you as excited for Bitcoin and Crypto Currency as I am in 2017? I believe the world is now fertile ground for a disruptive technology like Crypto Currencies. All around us we see countries struggling with inflation and the first thing they do is sacrifice their national currencies while simultaneously destroying the wealth of their own people.

This has caused a massive influx of new money pouring into Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies. The rates and amounts of wealth that will be transferred to Bitcoin this year will far outpace what anyone can imagine. When that happens it is just a matter of time before a percentage of these people figure out that they can also own other Crypto Currencies like Steem, Monero, Ether, Dash, Zcash and Ripple. My 2017 predictions are based on the increase in market cap size in 2017.

Bitcoin Rising in 2017!

1. Bitcoin Current Market Cap $15,444,482,144-

The biggest beneficiary of the new wealth entering the world of Crypto Currency in 2017 will be Bitcoin. Once Bitcoin passes $1,000 the mainstream media will likely get on the Bitcoin bandwagon. This will bring with it institutional money. Those of us who have held Bitcoin over the last few years will be very happy in 2017.

My prediction for the price of Bitcoin by the end of 2017 is $1815. I know this is pretty conservative compared to many other predictions but I never discount the fact that we could have another hack or unseen event like the Bitfinex hack in 2016. Where would Bitcoin be right now if that incident did not happen? Even though it had nothing to do with Bitcoin itself, negative news like what happened to Bitfinex can slow down adoption.

2. Monero Current Market Cap $189,306,755-

The Crypto Currency that took me by surprise in 2016 was Monero. The privacy focused Crypto Currency is gaining new fans every day. People love privacy when it comes to their money. I believe Monero will do well in 2017.

3. Ethereum Current Market Cap $692,922,717-

Ethereum had an amazing 2016 up until the DAO collapsed like a house of cards. I believe Ethereum will rebound in 2017 and get their blockchain in order. All bets are off if they can't get it right.

4. Steem Current Market Cap $38,669,242-

My favorite Crypto Currency for 2017 has to be Steem. The team is doing amazing things in the social media space with it's platform and the 3rd party arriving soon. In 2016 its flagship social media network did not launch without controversy but the fans have stood alongside the founders Dan and Ned and have built an amazing community. I am a proud user of Steemit and the Steem currency.

5. Dash Current Market Cap $78,444,418-

Dash has been a stable Crypto Currency for years. It also has had plenty of controversy but I happen to love it. The video below explains how the world of Crypto Currency works. Dash may not be the shiny object that everyone wants but it works so people who love privacy, speed and utility will continue to grow their Dash holdings. If you can afford it I recommend you get some Dash Masternodes. Most of my Crypto Currency wealthy peers own a few Dash Masternodes.

It was a smart move by the Dash voters to add Amanda B. Johnson to their marketing team.

6. ZCash Current Market Cap $16,517,533-

So much hype surrounded ZCash this fall as it launched its live blockchain. The price predictably started out high and has since tumbled to a more realistic level. I do believe this privacy focused Crypto Currency will stabilize and find plenty of capital in 2017.

7. Ripple Current Market Cap $233,708,060-

Over 2016 I owned a small stack of Ripple hoping that this payment protocol would finally take off. Well, another year has passed and Ripple still has not been widely adopted by the banking system like they had hoped. I believe 2017 will be the make it or break it year for the Crypto Currency.

My Predictions are Based on Growth in Market Cap.

I hope to see Steem and Dash break into the top 5 this year. My crazy prediction is that Litecoin will be knocked out of the top 5 in 2017. This may seem like a stretch but with Crypto Currencies like Monero, Steem and Dash gaining fans anything can happen.

My Dec 31, 2017 Crypto Currency Top 5 in Market Cap Prediction.

  1. Bitcoin
  2. Ethereum
  3. Monero
  4. Ripple
  5. Steem

OneCoin will almost be eradicated to the joy of all Crypto Currency fans.

What are Your Predictions for 2017 in the World of Crypto Currency?

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