Learn to Trade Bitcoin and Crypto Currency.


"Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world's most important developments." By Leon Luow

Bitcoin has changed my life but I am not one to sit on my Bitcoin like I would Gold. I prefer to keep my Bitcoin working for me. As I have mentioned before I like to trade Bitcoin futures. It is by no means my primary way of trading Crypto Currency but when I see a trend happening I like to add a little leverage.

In the video below Adam Khoo talks about trading the stock market like you are the owner of a casino. This applies to Bitcoin or anything else you can trade online. In the beginning I traded based on news and emotions. Then I learned to buy Crypto Currencies based on rumors and selling on the news. Now I have incorporated basic charting into my repertoire. Thanks to Adam Khoo I think I will continue to improve my odds of trading Bitcoin successfully.

Trade Like a Casino for Consistent Profits.

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