Everyone in Crypto Talks a Good Game Until it is Time to Suit Up!


"Buy When There's Blood in the Streets, Even if the Blood is Your Own." - Baron Rothschild

I am seeing so many people trash talk some good projects because they happen to be down during this Bitcoin rally. I admit that most of the negative chatter is from new people to crypto who just went through a period when Bitcoin and Altcoins rose together.

In the world of Bitcoin, that I have known, over the years this was never the case. Traditionally Bitcoin and Altcoins are more like watching a see saw. Bitcoin is on top for a while and then altcoins get their turn. Due to the recent FUD of Bitcoin that was not the case. Now we are seeing the market normalize and Bitcoin is catching up to where it would have been without the battle over block size.

Bitcoin is Still the Champion.

Over the last 8 months there was plenty of talk that Bitcoin will be pushed aside as altcoins like Ethereum, Monero and Dash rise to power. Well, that worked when Bitcoin was having a civil war but now that the war has paused we get a glimpse of the future.

I am not a Bitcoin maximalist by any means but I do want to remind people of the days of Crypto Currency trading prior to the Bitcoin civil war. Our market is changing and the new people will have no idea what transpired over the last 8 months. It will be up to us to share the stories of Crypto Past. History always repeats and the new folks have no idea what is happening.

What I am Doing?

I personally believe this meteoric rise in Bitcoin will slow down next week. It is possible that the price corrects. This is normal behavior and should be expected after this insanity. So I have begun buying quality altcoin projects again. My favorite is Stratis as I have been saying for months. I also own Flashcoin (available on Cryptopia and Coinomi), Expanse, PIVX, ZenCash and Cloakcoin. I plan to add a few more but have not decided which ones yet. I tend to go for the ones that have been hit the hardest. Steem has been steady and could see a healthy rise also.

So proceed with caution, this Bitcoin rise could continue for a while but I am taking my Bitcoin profits from trading and buying up cheap alts. I also took some Bitcoin to cash.

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