Helikopterben’s Top Ten Predictions for 2018

Check out last year’s predictions and review. The following are predictions for 2018.

1 - Interest Rates Will Rise: This is the only prediction I am doubling down on from last year. The 10 yr US treasury note currently sits at 2.42% after ending last year at 2.47%, doing a round trip during the year, going as low as 2.03%. The 10 yr US treasury note will yield higher than 2.42% at the end of 2018

2 - Crypto Crash: No coins in the top 10 in terms of market capitalization will be higher in USD price by the end of 2018. As the tide recedes, all coins will suffer. Here is a list of the current top 10 at the end of 2017.


3 - Steem will gain in market share in the crypto space: Steem is currently at the #39 spot in terms of market cap. It will move up in the ranks by the end of the year.


4 - The flippening will come close but not happen in 2018. Bitcoin will continue to lose market share to competing systems, but one will not overtake it until after 2018.

5 - No major bitcoin forks: The bitcoin forks (bitcoin cash, bitcoin gold, ect) will be a thing of the past. No major bitoin forks will make it into the top ten in terms of market cap. Bitcoin Cash Plus, bitcoin interest, and possibly a few more are slated to fork after the first of the year, but none will make it into the top 10 on coinmarketcap.com.

6 - At least one major crypto exchange will become insolvent and shut down.

7 - One major protocol failure will occur in a top 10 coin, resulting in massive financial losses for users, until a hard fork is deployed to solve the problem

8 - At least one fiat currency will hyperinflate. I made this prediction last year and Venezuela was the unfortunate victim. This year?

9 - Proof of Work coins will lose market share: Specifically, bitcoin cash and litecoin will fall out of the top 5, most likely replaced by POS (or some derivative of POS) coins. Only bitcoin will remain, but it will lose market share over the course of the year.


10 - At least one of these predictions will be wrong.

disclaimer: None of this is advice of any kind.

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