Crypto Tips UNPLUGGED: Why Bitcoin?


Having gone through the pubic schooling system in the US I can speak from experience just how little we are taught about this world and things that are genuinely important to be aware of if you want to succeed.

It’s something that few people come to realize on their own, and sadly this is mostly due to some kind of terrible experience or situation that causes distrust in “the system”.

When I speak to people about Bitcoin, and they seem genuinely interested in learning more, perhaps it’s mostly due to the investment opportunity, which of course I can’t blame them, but I always get this strong sense of responsibility to encourage them to understand why bitcoin exists.
Of course, you should never invest in anything you don’t understand, but there’s something much more important to learn here.

Bitcoin is different, proof of this is found in the fact that it’s lead to an explosion of new technology and it has created countless opportunities for people to become a part of this new tech. We’re seeing a new generation of people who have learned why Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies exist and I think it’s a very good sign for things to come in the future.

If the world as we know it worked perfectly, and the governments and banks and those who hold real power were honest and perfect like they would like us to believe, Bitcoin and subsequently blockchain technology wouldn’t need to exist.

Nearly every aspect of Bitcoin was designed to address the short comings of things like big banks and overreaching governments.
Think about it, Bitcoin is hard digital money, this means there is a known finite supply which can never be counterfeited. The blockchain enables transactions to be verified without the need of a third party, a third party which always ends up drunk with power and ultimately is a very weak link for the entire network. Bitcoin enables you to own your capital. Truly own it. You can send it across borders, to anyone, anywhere within minutes without asking for permission from your bank first to gain access to your own money. The rate of inflation or rather, deflation of Bitcoin is set in its code, not by some arbitrary government’s decision.

It wasn’t created on a whim, or by accident.

It took many years and many failed attempts before Bitcoin came into fruition. Years of so many people dedicating their time, energy and knowledge all for the sake of offering a better option for people like us.

Today I want to encourage you to become curious as to why these cypherpunks were so inspired to create something like Bitcoin.
I want to encourage you to open your eyes and try to see this world from a new perspective.

Question things.

  • Why are things the way they are?
  • How did we allow them to get this way?
  • What can we do to remedy it?
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