McAfee predicts Bitcoin hits $1 million in 3 years!


Mr Virus/Anti-Virus himself claims to have re-adjusted his calculations for Bitcoins growth. He had predicted (or his software) that BTC would definitely see $10k by end of 2017. But what happened? Well, it hit that mark a month before he predicted it would. So he says he went back in to “re-calculate” and he came back with new results.

BTC hits $15k by end of year. $50k by 2018 and ..... drumroll..... $1 million per coin by 2020! 😳🤯

This is the same guy that helped invent the computer virus just to invent the anti. Talk about years in the tech game. Think we can trust him? Well he did offer to “eat his own dick” if he was wrong.. Let’s hope we never see that!

  • Nick “The Bitcoin Boss”

IG @Bitcoin.Atlanta

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