In Crypto, Your Weakness Defeats the Purpose

So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology lately, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Unless the Weakness stops, it will never work, and the best part is: the centralized banks and bankers know this. The are relying on people’s Weakness to Sink Cryptocurrency, without them having to do anything except spread FUD, pay the Government Officials to “Investigate” it, and use the Fake Media, to spread Lies and create Unrest.
Plain and simple folks, here’s how it is. The World If Decentralized Cryptocurrency was given to you to Ensure your Freedom. It was developed to Free you from the Bondage of Centralized Extortion by BiBanks and Governments aimed at Destroying your potential. But you’re Fucking it up. You’re playing the same old Stupid Puppet games that you always do. And they know you will do it. Why? Because you’re Ignorant. And they know that too. How? Because they’ve been Fucking you for Centuries. Why? Because they’re in control, and you’re not. Stop being Ignorant!!!! Stop driving the Market Down. Buy And Hodl. Once you realize how Stupid you are being, you can begin to take advantage of them. They rely solely on your Ignorance and impatience. If not for the ignorance of the people involved in the Crypto market right now, it could realistically be touting a Market Csp of a Trillion Dollars. But they Fudded, and scared, and Fucked You out if your Future. Stop short selling, stop losing money, stop playing the corporate Monkey, and HODL. You’re only Killing Yourself. If you SHORT the MARKET SUPPLY, by NOT SELLING, The MARKET WILL RISE. It doesn’t take a Brain Surgeon to figure that out. Stop Shooting yourself in the foot. The Centralized World will stand up an take notice. If not, then you will be the demise of the Greatest opportunity for financial freedom in history. Think before you surrender. I’m tired of preaching to stupid. ![image]
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