Calgary AB CANADA, my new cover photo. This blog has thoughts on corporate capture and bitcoin...

Calgary AB CANADA - Photo credit Paul Collin


This needs to change! Download a copy of the full study here before the link is taken down should you want to report deeper on it.

Spread the information, demand a direction change for a more decentralized corporate world! With recent record mergers and acquisitions because of near zero interest rates, the control has become more condensed. The FDIC says one of their core missions is “Expanding Economic Inclusion For The Under Served”. The best, quickest and easiest way to do all that is to increase competition and decentralize global corporate control – period.

One radical and sweeping simple change would be to change the 'corporation act'. An easy change requiring all publicly traded companies to have a percent of voting shares held by employees and the communities they operate in. This would force the board of directors to listen to what the employees and community are saying very seriously while sharing the profits at large.

The above study concluded that a group of 147 companies has almost full control over itself and they refer to it as an “economic super-entity”. The study also makes note that 75% are financial enterprises.

This has made the world entrenched with too big to fail actors therefore reducing global economic stability. In other words, they are very densely connected and prone to systemic risk! I suggest your money is at risk right now and you should move your investments or pensions to the least risky assets. Please note I am not a financial advisor and suggest you seek one for all your needs but in my opinion they are paid for by corporations and live off your fees, and so totally present a conflict of interest. There is power in the individual and the first thing you could do is shop local and or avoid all national companies. The banks are stealing your money with fees, inflation and fraud. Banks are allowed to leverage your money and put everyone at systemic risk by at least 10x so for every $1,000 dollars you take out you hit that bank by $10,000!

If any of the following banks fail they all become insolvent that risk has now been moved to the tax payers as their valuations are not correct:

For more on why I think all crypto-currency are practically the same click here: Shape-shifting within an application will allow you to get paid in a coin you don't trust (gov't coin) and then move it to a coin you trust (decentralized computational trust) for holding and shifting back when you pay for your coffee within a gov't approved (corporate approved) crypto-currency.

The following video is 'my hero' on this topic and this is one of his best short 15 minute clips:

I like the following writings in quotes from @jetblake posted on steemit:

"Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the 2009 white paper of Bitcoin and the Blockchain? As pure speculation, my thought is, it is most likely an alias of a group of individuals. This group is most likely comprised of individuals from the NSA, Federal Reserve, The Exchange Stabilization Fund and MIT programmers/statisticians.

Some of the forensic evidence dates back from the mid 1990's. In 1996 three members of the NSA published a white paper entitled HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS ELECTRONIC CASH. In the paper it mentions a form of a blockchain and uses repeatedly the words coin and bit.

The Federal Reserve, the too big to fail banks and the Exchange Stabilization Fund all know that the U.S. Fiat dollar is coming to an end. This is no secret. What they know versus us is when it will die. These entities knew that a new monetary system would need to be birthed. Many do not know that Allen Greenspan invented the computer language called Basic (late 1960's). It was this computer programming that the entire western world banking system ran on. This is part of the reason he was made head of the Federal Reserve in the 1980's.

Brilliant computer programmers and statisticians that worked for the Federal Reserve, Exchange Stabilization fund, MIT and the big banks (JP Morgan with Blythe Masters) designed and tested the blockchain crypto currency platform. Once it was perfected they released the white paper in 2009 and began the birthing process of the blockchain and Bitcoin. The open source format made it possible for the public to "kick the tires" and take it for a test drive. It also allowed other brilliant developers to put their own twist and improvements on the open source program. Thus we have the birth of Litecoin, Ethereum and the hundreds of alt coins.

No, not everyone works for the bad guys. I am just saying that the group called Satoshi Nakamoto had to release this new FinTech exactly the way that they did. It was very important to them that the blockchain and the crypto currencies had a "Grass Roots" adoption. It was important for the man on the street to make huge profits and spread the excitement. This helps others to get involved and speed the growth of adoption.

One of my biggest clues as to who this group was, is the fact that 1 Million Bitcoins (BTC) have never moved from the original blockchain. No single individual could do this. Ego and recognition would take over. The need for some kind of finances would force some sale of those 1 Million coins. The fact that it has not moved shows it is a huge institution or core agency. In my opinion, The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) holds the 1 Million BTC or some type of covert organization like them.

The power of holding 1 Million BTC will be unfathomable. This is the same stunt they (ESF) pulled back in 1933 when Executive Order 6102 was signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Citizens were given $20.67 per troy ounce for their gold. Months later it was re valued at $35 an ounce. This gave The ESF $Billions of off balance sheet dollars that they leverage into $Trillions of dollars over the following decades. This slush funds gives them Geo Political power.

The same ESF (or other unknown agency) will use the original 1 Million BTC to do the same thing. Once Bitcoin becomes worth millions of dollars each, you can imagine the leverage they will have."

Here is an excellent overview of bitcoin:


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