Teach Your Grandma About Bitcoin - She Might Surprise You And Turn Out To Be An Anarchist!

Grandma's Should Be Paying Attention To Bitcoin...

I am a grandma and I am so glad that I figured out what Bitcoin was about...

I am still working on my art... and always will but... as a baby boomer and a grandma I know about missing opportunities in the world (i.e. in the order I remember hearing about these...intel, microsoft, apple, and amazon... )

Yep and I didn't do anything about it.

I remember times when businesses soared. I was a youngster in the 80's and I was in sales and things were booming.

Turns out the economy and creation of jobs from November 1982 to November 1989 there were 18.7 million new jobs created in the U.S. It was a world record.

As a Canadian we were of course pulled up into record highs too.

So many new technologies were on the horizon. Taxes and interest rates were down. In otherwords it was a time of emerging technologies that weren't being infringed upon by the governments.

I was young and making a lot of money. I worked in an industry that was booming and I was paid on commission alone.

It was a period of wealth building...net asset values including stocks, bonds and real estate went up by more than $5 trillion an increase of about 50%.

We thought it would never end. Right there. That is the problem. As a young person I thought this was my life and everytime I picked up the phone - I made money.

And yet...

Although I remember hearing whispers about things like Intel, Microsoft, Apple etc. I didn't investigate.

Now keep in mind we didn't have the internet at our fingertips. You had to read newspapers and be willing to take chances.

Since I thought I would always have the income I had - I didn't bother.

Stupid huh?

Yes I was Green and really Naive - Okay Stupid!

I was brought up with the belief that if I had an education, and maybe even a talent for something (sales) and if I worked for a good corporation with benefits - and pensions - and if I dressed the part and looked good that I would always be

Somehow I missed the idea of investing in something. I guess I believed that my savings account would grow. Maybe a few bonds. A Mutual Fund through work.

However, going out and taking my future into my own hands, taking a risk into some new industry - even though I had more money then than I would ever again (so far) was just too scary.

I didn't understand the concept of putting my money to work for me. Dahhhh.... I figured I should work for money.

Okay, so don't get me talking about the education system... why didn't someone teach me this? I guess Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki wasn't out yet? I certainly didn't read it then.

Since Then I Have Seen Loss...

I have seen people getting wiped out losing their jobs, their homes, and their $'s becoming worth less and less.

I also am more aware of the way things have gone down hill, how we are slipping down a slippery slope.

Prices for simple things like "food" are out of control. I actually walk around a grocery store and find myself frightened!
I used to go grocery shopping and hardly think about it. I would pick up what I wanted and not worry when I got to the cashier. So I went a little over what I intended to spend? So what? It wasn't a big deal.

Everywhere you looked in the grocery store people had big buggies full.

Now I find myself carrying a little basket, and literally counting every item I am buying. I feel fear when I think about the days and weeks ahead...

No kidding. Oh and by the way I live in Canada. I live on a fixed income and because I my age I can't get much of a job either. I have tried. I certainly can't get a job to do with my background. They don't want me.

I am beginning to see how governments and corporations that have monopolies over us... like utilities such as gas and hydro and phones and omg - the internet are getting out of control. Real Estate and Rent - let's not even discuss such crazy things.

This is why food is last on my list.

An Example

Seeing articles like this all over the place....

Liberal Government In Ontario Canada

from Toronto Globe and Mail
"In July, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced her government would increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour by Jan. 1, 2019. The increase would be phased in gradually and would rise with inflation, as scheduled, from $11.40 currently to $11.60 in October, to $14 an hour on Jan. 1, 2018 and $15 the following year."

Jumping from $11.60 to $14 an hour on Jan 1, 2018 - Happy New Year. I know this sounds good to folks who work hard and can hardly make ends meet even working long hours and more than one job... but...

If it's hard to pay for things now... imagine when these Corporations and small businesses adjust everything?

Grocery Stores?

“Significant 2018 minimum wage increases planned for Ontario (~21% y/y) and Alberta (~11% y/y) have worried investors, given the uncertainty around how the grocers will offset these headwinds,” said a Monday note from National Bank Financial on Empire Co. Ltd., which owns the Sobeys grocery brand an employs many minimum wage workers. “Historical data suggests that the industry will mitigate the impact of higher wage rates largely through higher prices, but also through labour adjustments.”

So... they will raise prices and people will lose jobs.

Lots Of Local Businesses Crash And Burn


Investment? Are you kidding me?

How can I possibly?

With what?

Getting into the Stock Market costs thousands of dollars - like just opening an account.
Trading? - only for the really rich.

Yes This Grandma Still sees a Light at The End Of The Tunnel

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No Grandma - Stay Away From The Light... But Really Something That is Happening Now!

There is a dawning of something new on the horizon... something that levels the playing field. New ideas and
a whole movement towards more freedom.

Don't be afraid..."Scared Money Don't Make Money"

I don't know who said that but yah - it's true.

I see that this is something that is going to change the world.

Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies

I guess by now many of you have heard those whispers right?

You have probably heard about it's meteoric rise in price?

And I realize right now here on the Steemit platform that I am probably preaching to the Choir!

What does that mean - it means most of you probably know about Bitcoin since you are on a platform built on blockchain. I get that.

What I am saying is consider teaching your parents, loved ones, and maybe even your Grandma - consider buying

them a little Bitcoin for Christmas.... or whatever holiday.

You might find that having some will change their outlook. It might take that little whisper to the forefront and then the real research and interest develops.

I am a Grandma and I happened to find Bitcoin on my own. But I am fortunate cause I fell in love with the internet in 2004 and have the kind of brain that needs to know stuff. That has only increased in me.

We are entering a new era and it can't really hurt to be part of it.

I have put myself into some things that might be a little risky... but I was able to put in a very small amount and making it grow.

I will go into the details of other things in future posts... In fact writing about it now!

And I am an affiliate of some of these things... why not? I need to earn more Bitcoin. I need desperately to be part of this future.

I am willing to risk a bit of my income ... even taking it out of my food money.

I have to believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

So... if you have read to the end of this post... then have the guts to talk to the people you love about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, and even the future of silver... (another great investment)

Yep I am doing these things in very small increments. Starting small is at least a start. Show the people you love.

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