Shape Shift, Please Don't Be Marxist Social Justice Warriors


If you're a Silicon Valley employee and you don't think the gender wage gap is a valid argument, then be prepared to be disassociated like you just left the Church of Scientology! I love blockchain and crypto and I hope the main-stream marxism in the tech industry doesn't become a part of muh blockchain and muh crypto.

Upon discovery of Shape Shift sponsoring a "Women in Blockchain Meetup", the initial assumption was "Just another tech girl meetup." which is absolutely cool. Why not?

Digging deeper into the meetup agenda...

Let's talk about identity.png

The guest speakers are all involved in the United Nation's #ID2020 which is the idea for a global ID based on blockchain. Searching through their twitters there's a lot of political activism so it's fair to say this meetup has a ideological agenda.

There isn't an issue with Women in Blockchain or different world views, but Goal 16. Why Goal 16? Well,

2017-07-05 12_53_11-Goal 16 ._. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.png

This goal is the same basis of Affirmative Action and Marxism which support equal outcome over equal opportunity with the assumption that certain demographics are unequal due to injustice. To meet a equality utopia of Goal 16, gender quotas are encouraged, racial quotas are encouraged, and everything else that an employer shouldn't recognize besides your talent.

Many companies have been adopting these cultural policies where the job application states they don't discriminate, but the next section is a lecture about diversity and how they believe in affirmative action (hiring based off gender, race, disability, etc...). One reason companies have adopted this is because of the UN's growing power followed by the Obama era where companies enforcing affirmative action policies were more likely to receive government subsidies.

Anyways, somewhat off topic. To summarize if women want to get involved into blockchain and sit in front of a computer screen for 60+ hours a week feel free to do so, but don't push agendas that support the use of force for demographic changes. Heck, I know several project managers whom's companies receive billion dollar contracts and they go out of their way to find someone a certain race with a disability being a plus. Insanity!

I'm sure Shape Shift has good intentions, but Marxism always sounds cute in the beginning. Kumbaya.

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