

Omnity is a self-assembling, decentralized knowledge curation system, interconnecting private document repositories at all scales (of, by, and for people, companies, organizations, and Governments). 

Semantic interconnections are made both within internal document sets and with external high-quality, third-party vetted public data from throughout the world. Omnity does not scrape the web; rather we harvest and interconnect massive sets of public and private documents systematically uploaded through APIs and connectors to uncover hidden and unexpected patters of high value. Individual users can also upload single documents or small document sets directly into Omnity using intuitive drag and drop interfaces

Natural language processing (NLP)can be explained as  a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence, whose main intention is basically focused on enabling computer to understand and process human languages, to get computers closer to a human-level understanding of language. Currently there are thousands of human languages out there and computer can't really explain or understand what these languages are actually trying to say.Computers have nothing like the same intuitive understanding of natural languages that we humans do. Computers are actually class apart when it comes to working with standardised and structured data like database tables and financial records. They perform this function is a very fast speed compared to human being. Now when we talk about unstructured data computers tend to get stack as there’s no standardise techniques to process such data.

Artificial intelligence is  an artificial creation of human-like intelligence that can perceive , plan, reason, learn, or process natural language. Artificial intelligence can be applied in various fields these include;

Email filtering: Email services use artificial intelligence to filter incoming emails

Speech recognition: Applications use artificial intelligence to optimize speech recognition functions

Personalization: Online services use artificial intelligence to personalize your experience

Fraud detection: Banks use artificial intelligence to determine if there is strange activity on your account.

Machine learning 

This is simply a subset of artificial intelligence. It involve scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to effectively perform a specific task without being explicitly programmed to perform the task. Machine learning is basically related to computational statistics, which focuses on making predictions using computers.Machine learning algorithms build a mathematical model of sample data, known as training data. The algorithms have got various applications of which some include of email filtering, detection of network intruders, and computer vision.

Fusing natural language processing, machine learning, graph math, and linguistic blockchain, Omnity finds shared meaning between documents by detecting similar patterns of shared rare words - a mathematical approach that transcends the limitations of conventional, link-based document discovery. Omnity works in over 100 languages, including those based on characters.


Omnity is search tool for knowledge as a result it's useful for knowledge workers people who read a bunch of information and then make decisions and the following are the benefits for this project; 

  • Omnity can actually best results when it comes to searching the information via search engines. It can find out rare results that most of the search engines miss out since its a sematic mapping search engine.
  • Omnity is now free of charge, search engine is now opened up to the public freely by opening up omnity account everyone is free to search via the engine’s semantic mapping function. You just enter your terms in the very typical search bar,and Omnity populates a graphical representation of documents and the relationships between them and the results are displayed to you 
  • Now when we talk about the results generated are displayed to you when you use the usual search engines, the results tend to be wider meaning the results will be displayed in hundreds and thousands of pages but with Omnity these results tend to be more narrow then you expect. 
  • Farther more machine translation is a bit complicated as you need a context and other things but with Omnity this has been simplified. Omnity simply map rare words but it really translates non. Document similarity is calculated by adding up scores of primary, secondary, and tertiary matches: words that are present in both documents, words whose synonyms or synsets are present in both documents, and words whose synsets are related and present in the documents. The possibility of this is via the  internal database of 15 TB worth of documents that Omnity actually possess.
  • Omnity users can create their own personalised libraries of knowledge by uploading their own documents. Omnity uses its algorithm to scan the data that they actually uploaded and then adds it to the web it has already woven. With this feature, a law firm is also cated for.  This firm could upload all of their private case files, making them entirely connected and searchable (by them only).Users can also subscribe for access to specialized fields of knowledge, like paid medical journals or technical papers.
  • Currently you're able to find only 1% of the papers they should be citing. Omnity has made it further more professional and easier by using.  semantics to find 99% of those documents not connected by citation. As a result you're able to find the meaning of the documents you're looking for and all other information related to it. 
  • Omnity can search using entire documents as queries, not just keywords.This avoids the need to select a small number of words to represent a complex or nuanced concept, as is often the case with legal documents

With the current situation of the world today people are looking for reliable information and ideas simply to come up with best developmental ideas. I highly recommend this project for you. #Omnity #OMToken $OM



Finding the Right Investment, Fast. Omnity enables investment professionals of all sorts to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden high-quality investment opportunities within that sea of noise. Whether in corporate development, venture capital, or buy-side investment, Omnity allows real-time insight into complex document sets, so that investment professionals can answer a wide range of questions.


Finding the Right Argument, Fast. Omnity enables legal professionals of all sorts to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden patterns of relevant document interconnections. Whether in patent prosecution, litigation, or policy, Omnity allows real-time insight into complex document sets, so that legal professionals can answer a wide range of questions


Place Research in Context, Fast.Omnity enables research and development professionals in all fields to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden patterns of relevant document interconnections. Whether for basic research or advanced product development, Omnity allows real-time insight into complex document sets, enabling research and development professionals to efficiently and systematically answer a wide range of questions


Express Your Voice and Connect with Impact. Omnity enables advocacy and policy professionals in all fields to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden patterns of relevant document interconnections. 

Mechanics of Token Sale

Omnity tokens are securities (investment contracts) being offered within the U.S. pursuant to 506(c) of Regulation D and outside the U.S. in reliance on Regulation S. Omnity tokens will be sold in multiple stages, with a private sale followed by a presale and then a public sale. In the United States, only accredited investors will be able to purchase Omnity tokens. 

Outside of the United States, tokens will be sold to either accredited investors or both accredited and non-accredited investors based on national regulatory frameworks. 

Of funds raised, 74% will be allocated for Omnity’s operations ; 15% in reserve, including use for the Early Adopter Program; 6% for employees, advisors, and partners; and 5% for founders.

We have a target of raising $20M with a stretch goal of up to $50M. The Early Adopter Program (EAP) is set to 20% of the raise, so the tokens set aside for the EAP varies as the raise varies. For the advisors, employees, and founders, as well as for the sales and marketing campaigns (where campaign staff will be paid in tokens and/or cash on an hourly basis), we are not allowed to set these as a percentage of our raise due to our adherence to SEC compliance. Those line items are fixed budgets and have fixed tokens set aside irrespective of our raise. This mix of line items then non-linearly scales, as some numbers vary, while others stay the same, within the raise of $20M to $50M:


At $20M Target Raise:

Tokens Sold for Company Operations: 32,200,252 (61.9% of total tokens, takes into account potential discounts in private and pre-sale)

Reserved for Early Adopter Program: 6,440,050 (12.4% of total tokens; 20% of the Tokens sold for Company Operations)

Sales and Marketing Campaigns: 7,798,633 Tokens (fixed regardless of raise) (represents 15.0% or total tokens)

Advisors, Employees, Founders: 5,552,500 Tokens (fixed regardless of raise) (represents 10.7% of total tokens)

Total Tokens at $20M Raise: 51,991,435

At $50M Target Raise:

Tokens Sold for Company Operations: 72,200,252 (72.2% of total tokens, takes into account potential discounts in private and pre-sale)

Reserved for Early Adopter Program: 14,440,050 (14.4% of total tokens; 20% of the Tokens sold for Company Operations)

Sales and Marketing Campaigns: 7,798,633 Tokens (fixed regardless of raise) (represents 7.8% of total tokens)

Advisors, Employees, Founders: 5,552,500 Tokens (fixed regardless of raise) (represents 5.65% of total tokens)

Total Tokens at $50M Raise: 99,991,435



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