architects and a tornado

Suppose you're an architect. You know every conceivable detail about how a building is made. You're an expert in this area.

Someone comes by and tells you the building is about to fall.

Ha, how does he know. Psshh. You're the architect. Impossible that he would have a better sense of it than you. You know all the ins and outs and the geometry and etc.

But this other person might understand some critical outside factor better than you. If a large tornado is about to blow through the neighborhood, then it didn't really matter how much you knew about architecture. What's most important is that you know about the tornado. And then from there it's just a matter of common sense that it might knock the building over.

It's interesting to see financial types try to make sense of Bitcoin/cryptos.

Bitcoin happens to have a financial aspect to it (there's some carryover, sure), and it's tempting to try to understand things by relating them to what's most familiar to you, but fundamentally a blockchain is just a way to express information back and forth without central control or oversight, and isn't really similar at all to other financial things.

What's most important is just understanding what Bitcoin/crypto is and what impact it can have on humanity. It's not that meaningful whether someone is a financial pro or not.

Financial expertise could even mislead you, if you use it to assume that this is gonna behave like other things you're familiar with.

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