7 good reasons to invest in bitcoin

1. It's a new technology

The term new technology does not necessarily mean good technology.

There are some technologies that we have created in the past that have not been very successful. Mini disc for example where the HD-DVD.

Bitcoin is a new technology and a very good technology. It's a revolutionary technology.

Thus, as we will see in future points, if you invest in a revolutionary new technology, you will always be rewarded.

Indeed, they often help a lot of people.

This means that the more you have, the more you talk around you and the more you will allow people to discover this revolutionary currency that can improve their lives.

2. It's a decentralized currency

One of the essential peculiarity of bitcoin is that it is a decentralized currency that does not depend on a third person or authority that has the right to issue this currency at will seems likely to cause a devaluation of its value.

Decentralized means free. Therefore if you buy bitcoin, the only thing that will change its price is the purchase or sale of other people who want to buy bitcoin.

This is called the free market where simply the market of supply and demand.

This should be the case with our so-called "fiduciary" currencies, but given that they are centralized, they are daily manipulated by the issuing authorities.

The first criticism of decentralization is the use by criminals but let us remember that the preferred tool of fraudulent trade and money laundering is cash.

Regarding bitcoin, if you want a currency that by its nature will give you the truth of what is happening in the world, you are falling well.

I say that because bitcoin reacts very often to positive or negative events that occur in the political and economic sphere.

Conversely, fiduciary money may seem strong even though we are in crisis with excessive debt (example the US dollar which has almost parity with the euro).

3. It's a finished currency. It can not be printed at will

Money must be a store of value and therefore must have a finite amount that must be appreciated as people use it.

No one has the opportunity to change this feature and this is the case with bitcoin.

There will be only 21 million and not more because it is written in the protocol code that is inviolable. As a result, you have no worries about future value. It must and will appreciate in time.

It will appreciate even more if people realize its exceptional quality and I do not doubt for a second. Being able to hold a means of payment that evolves only through supply and demand and that can not be manipulated at will is really a good thing.

Secondly, supply and demand also means that larger fish can have a great influence but their impact will never be as strong as that of millions of people at the same time.

4 .You become your own bank

Do you know BforBank? The slogan of this online bank is: "My banker is me". Is this really the case? Not at all. When you deposit your money in a physical bank or an online bank, the principle remains the same: you deposit and you allow the bank to lend at least 9 times this amount. This is called the fractional reserve system.

You do not believe me ? Read this definition and / or watch this video.

Being your own bank means being able to dispose of your money where you want and when you want. Can you transfer money to someone Saturday morning who will receive it Saturday night, where even Sunday? Impossible with all commercial banks online or not.

With bitcoin, this problem is a thing of the past. You'll steal your money when you want, who you want securely and no one has the right to stop you from doing it or give you a 24-72 hour waiting time.

That's why with bitcoin you are your own bank.

5. It's gold 2.0


Bitcoin is the gold of new generations. Gold is a safe haven because since we know it and use it, it has always been valuable whatever the period in which we were.

Bitcoin, despite its young age has already come a long way. Two years ago to the day its value was 330 €, today at this precise hour, it is worth 543 € 705 €. 3 years ago, 110 € and 1 year before, in 2012, only 10.5 €.

So you notice how much this currency appreciates over time.

The only year that bitcoin has not appreciated in 7 years is the year 2014 which succeeded the speculative bubble at the end of 2013.

6. It's the currency of freedom

The currency of freedom means that it is a currency that allows you to do whatever you want without constraints.

Do you want to recover money for an exceptional expense on a holiday? It's possible.

You want to withdraw more than 2000 € without having to wait 3 days?, It's possible.

You want to raise funds quickly and without being accountable to your banker to develop a project? It's possible.

You want to pay a small amount without being systematically asked for your identity card, it is possible.

You want to pay without the need for someone to return your payment method in all directions to know if it is true or false, it is possible, with the bitcoin.

7. It's the currency of truth

The currency of truth means that it is a currency that really allows you to know the situation of the world in which you live.

It lets you know the economic ambition of people around you, states that are interested or not.

Money of truth also means money on which we can not cheat, it is only supply and demand.

As the offer is over, as soon as the demand increases, the value of this currency increases. As soon as it goes down, its value goes down, it's as simple as that.

Today, the number of people who are interested in near and far is phenomenal.

Whether it's the simple individual who wants to diversify their investments, banks trying to reduce their transfer costs, or states that want to be part of this economic revolution, bitcoin is everywhere.

And you, will you be part of it?

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